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Professional Page 3.0 Supplement Manual
This is just the Supplement Manual w/ the new functions of
PPage 3.0 (incl. all ARRex commands) use this with the
old 2.1 Docs
Professional Page 3.0 Supplement Manual
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 1
2. Hard Disk installation 3
To Install Professional Page 3
3. Corrections to Manual 5
Changes to Keyboard Shortcuts 6
4. Improved Font Support 7
Adobe Type 1 Support 7
Using FontManager 7
Extra Fonts Included 9
Font Size 9
5. New Page Design Features 11
New Text Wrap Options 11
New Text Import Filters 11
Professional Draw V3.0 Fountain Fill Supported 12
Hot-Link to Professional Draw 12
Undo 12
6. Improved Printing Capabilities 15
Auto-Tiling 15
Improved Color Separation 15
7. Function Genies 17
Executing a Function Genie 17
Using the About Button 17
Defining & Modifying Function Genies 18
Function Genie List Management 18
Function Key Genies 18
Unexpected Returns 19
The Supplied Function Genies 19
ADProHotLink GroupMove
Align GroupRotate
AllCaps GroupScale
AlterBoxesOnPages GroupSpace
AutoImport GroupTile
AutoSave InitialCaps
BoxAttr InsertDoc
BoxColors InsertPersonalInfo
Calculator MailMerge
CommandLine MakeBoxIntoColumns
CopyBoxAttributes MakeGuides
CopyBoxContents MovePage
CopyBoxToPages NoCaps
CopyPageSpecs ProCalcTableImport
CopyPages ProCalcTableUpdate
DeleteRange ReplaceMergeCodes
DropCaps SavePrefs
DropShadowBox SetPageSize
EnterPersonalInfo SmallCaps
FindAndReplace StepAndRepeat
GetTaggedText SubScript
GreekBoxes SubstituteFont
GroupAttr SuperScript
GroupCopyBoxAttr TableImport
GroupCopyBoxContents UnGreekBoxes
GroupCopyToPages UnitsConverter
8. Page Genies 33
Avery Labels 33
Business Report 34
Envelope 34
Full Page Ads 34
Traditional Newsletter 35
Two-F old Brochure 35
9. ARexx Support and Commands 37
Technical Information 37
Parameter & Return Information 38
Page and Box Identifiers 38
ARexx Commands 39
General Functions Group Operations
User Interactive Functions PPage Parameter Settings
Page Operations Save & Load Operations
Page Parameters Dot Matrix Printing
Page PostScript Output Specs PostScript Printing
Box Operations Thumbnail Printing
Text Operations
The new features incorporated into Professional Page for version 3.0
offer a dramatic increase in the power of the application. Consequently,
version 3.0 of Professional Page requires the use of a hard disk drive
and two megabytes of RAM. Use of the Genies (which are automated
sequences of operations) requires version 1.15 of ARexx. If you are using
an earlier version of ARexx, you will need to get an updated version or
(better still) Workbench 2.0, which includes ARexx V 1.15 as part of the
operating system.
Although some of the new features are targeted at the needs of
professional users, these enhancements offer more power and flexibility
to all users, from the occassional hobbyist to the busy professional.
The additional capabilities can be grouped into four general categories:
. Enhanced Font Support
. New Page Design Tools
. Improved Printing Capabilities
. Genies and ARexx Support
Some of the changes will be evident immediately upon loading Professional
Page. For example, the Mop Tool has been replaced by the Genie Tool and
the Page Move Tool has been replaced by the Undo Tool. Other changes will
become evident as you begin to use version 3.0. One of the first of these
that you will notice is the inclusion of named pages and boxes. This has
been implemented to allow Genies to access objects by name. All of the
additions and enhancements of Professional Page v3.0 are described in
this addendum.
To use version 3.0 of Professional Page, the requisite files must be
installed on your hard drive. Installation is accomplished by running
two programs:
lnstall_PPage and Install_CGFonts. You must run these programs from the
Workbench! Instructions are given below but you may also wish to consult
the HelpInstall program by double-clicking on its icon. If you wish, you
may also print out the HelpInstall information by double-clicking on the
PrintHelp icon.
To install Professional Page:
Double-click on your hard drive's icon or on the icon of the partition
onto which you want to install Professional Page. If you wish to install
to a subdirectory or that partition, open the drawer for the desired
Insert the diskette containing the installation files into a floppy drive.
Double-click the disk to open it and drag the icons for Install PPage and
Install_CGFonts into the destination directory's window andclose the
Double-click the Install PPage icon and the installation will commence.
You will be asked some questions relating to which files you want to
install and, in the case of bitmap fonts, where you would like the files
to be placed. When the installation process is complete, double-click the
Install_CGFonts icon and respond as required.
For a general idea of the course of the installation process or to get
more detailed instructions, double-click the HelpInstall icon.
In this section, we'll cover the corrections and updates to the main
Professional Page manual. The page number of each item is in the margin
to the left of the description. You may wish to mark the affected pages
in the manual.
8 The section entitled Making a Working Copv of Professional Page no
longer applies since version 3.0 of Professional Page requires a hard
disk. However, you should still make backup copies of the distribution
20 Before undertaking the tutorial, you should first run Preferences to
set up your printer. Also on this page, it is stated that if the
program fails to load, it may be because you have only 512K of memory
and Professional Page requires a megabyte. Version 3.0 of Professional
Page actually requires two megabytes.
23 At the bottom of the page it is stated that a Save of a newly-created
document will cause Professional Page to automatically name the
document "Untitled" and that it will be save to the default directory.
This is no longer the case. Now, when you select Save for an unnamed
document, it will function as does Save As. i.e. a file requester will
appear, allowing you to select the desired directory and specify a
descriptive name for your document.
24 The section entitled "To clear the document in memory:" states that a
waiting requester appears when Project/New is selected. In fact, this
waiting only appears when changes have been made to the document since
the last Save operation.
25 This page makes reference to a Sort button in a file requester. This
button has been removed; Professional Page sorts the filenames
26 The discussion of box creation instructs you to place the bottom right
corner of your box at the 7.5" x 3" position. There is no particular
significance to this location aside from the suggestion to use the
ruler line for reference.
27 The second point under "To move a box:" states: "The coordinates of the
top left comer of the box appear on the right side of the menu strip,.."
It should read: "...on the left side..."
39 The top line reads: "Click on the first file: NEWSLETTER1.txt".
This is the correct filename but it is not the first file shown in
the file requester.
258 The definition of halftone as given on this page is really a
definition of the onscreen simulation of a halftone. In the printing
industry, halftone refers to the technique of breaking a continuous-
tone copy into v arious size dots to make it printable. It is a
reproduction of an image containing a gradual change from one tone to
another. When viewed from a normal distance, this collection of dots
simulates continuous tones.
Changes to Keyboard Shortcuts:
There are several new keyboard equivalents in version 3.0 of Professional
Page and one keyboard equivalent has been eliminated. You may wish to make
some notes to this effect on your Quick Reference Card and/or in Appendix
B of the main manual.
. c[ - Box Impermeable Toggle
This shortcut has been eliminated and the text wrap options (see
Section 5) now take its place.
. cY - Box Text Wrap Cycle.
This shortcut will cycle through the three styles of text wrap.
. cW - Text Wrap Side Cycle
This shortcut will cycle through the text wrap side options.
. A\ - Hot-link to Professional Draw
This is the shortcut for sending a clip from Professional Page to
Professional Draw for editing (see Section 5). It is equivalent
to the new menu selection Draw/PDraw.
. aDEL - Delete Contents
This is the shortcut for deleting an article (text in a box or
chain of boxes). It is equivalent to the new menu selection
Box/Delete Contents which provides the functionality previously
offered by the Mop Tool.
. cQ - Invoke Page Genies
This shortcut will initiate page creation via the Page Genie
facility. It is equivalent to the menu selection
Page/Create/from Genie.
Adobe Type 1 Support:
A new utility has been added to the Professional Page package. This
utility, FontManager, is used to convert an Adobe Type 1 font to a
Compugraphic format font. Users of Professional Page may now access the
full Adobe type library. In addition, the Compugraphic output of
FontManager may also be used as system fonts under Workbench 2.0.
Using FontManager
To convert an Adobe Type 1 font into a Compugraphic font, two files are
required: the Printer Font Binary file and the Adobe Font metric file.
The Printer Font Binary file contains the actual character outlines and,
when supplied on MS-DOS format disks, these files are generally named
<fontname>.PFB. The Adobe Font Metric file contains information concerning
the placement of characters; i.e., width and kerning data. These files are
generally named <fontname>.AFM on MS-DOS format disks. Both of these files
must be present in FontManager's source directory for each Type 1 that you
want to convert.
If you acquire Adobe fonts in a format other than MS-DOS, your font
filenames may use other extensions. In that case, you will need to check
with your supplier to determine which file contains font outlines and
which file contains font metrics. FontManager will transparently convert
fonts from any source MS-DOS, Macintosh or Amiga.
Run FontManager by double-clicking on its icon. The program opens a window
with a dual-directory di splay, one for source directory (where the tfont
binary and font metric files are located) and one for destination
directory (generally CGFonts :). Each directory list box has the standard
gadgets associated with such objects; the scrollbar, a pair of scroll
buttons and a string gadget containing the pathname. In addition, each
list box has four other gadgets.
The first is the module gadget which is located atop the directory list.
The source module is Adobe Type 1 and the destination module is either
CG Library or CG Library 020 +881. If you are using an accelerated Amiga,
you will want to use the latter module since a significant increase in
speed will be realized. The second and third gadgets (the disk icon and
the up-arrow by its side) offer an alternative to typing the pathnames
into the string gadgets. Clicking on the disk icon will put a device list
into the list box. This list contains physical devices (indicated as
<DSK>) as well as assigned volumes (indicated as <LOG>).
Double-click the name of the device and the files and subdirectories of
that device will be displayed. Double-click on the directory that contains
your Type 1 fonts. If you need to back up, click on the up-arrow gadget to
view the parent directory. When the filnames of vour Tvpe 1 fonts appear
in the requester, click on the font binary f.ile of the font that you wish
to convert. If you wish, you may shift-click to select multiple fonts for
The fourth gadget is a 'fuel gauge' that is used to show the status of
read/write operatious. The left gadget will fill as the source font is
read in. When that gauge reached 100%, the destination gadget will begin
to fill. When this gauge has reached 100%, the conversion is complete.
At the left of the window are the four gadgets that drive the application.
Top to bottom. the four icons represent: Convert, Preview, Abort and
Iconify. Convert will read in the source files and write out the proper
Compugraphic format files to the destination directory. Preview will read
in the source files and display a sample of the typeface in a new window.
Abort will terminate an operation after first requesting your confirmation.
If you're running Workbench 2.O, clicking Iconify will collapse
FontManager's window into a tiny window.
To be used with Professional Page, each Compugraphic font must be
comprised of three files: <fontname>.dat, <fontname>.lib and
<fontname>.metric. With all three files in your CGFonts: volume, the font
is ready to be used in your documents. These files are all that is needed
for the onscreen display and for dot-matrix printing. However, you will
need one more file if you intend to use the font in PostScript output the
<fontname>.psfont file. This is the font definition file that is written
into the PostScript output when you have selected Include Downloadable
Fonts in the Output to PostScript requester. Such files reside in the
CGFonts:ps directory.
When you click on Convert, FontManager will ask you if you want the
downloadable font file to be placed into the CGFonts:ps directory.
If you wish to print PostScript, you must answer affirmatively to this
question; otherwise, nothing will be downloaded and a different font will
be substituted when the file is actually printed.
Extra Fonts Included:
In addition to the original 19 bitmap fonts, Professional Page is now
supplied with seven Compugraphic fonts:
. Caslon540
. CG Omega
. CG Times
. CG Triumvirate
. Garth Graphic
. Shannon Book
. Uncial
These typefaces can be used in a wide variety of typesetting situations.
Due to the Compugraphic Bullet technology built into Professional Page,
these typefaces are always represented as smooth outlines (both onscreen
and in print).
Font Size:
In version 3.0, you may specify font sizes to an eighth of a point. Any
value may be entered in the Point Size requester; however, all values are
rounded to the nearest eighth of a point. For example, a value of 12.062
will result in a point size of 12.000, while a value of 12.063 will
result in a point size of 12.125.
Although this degree of text rendering precision is beyond the
capabilities of the Amiga monitor or of many dot matrix printers, high-
resolution imagesetters are capable of reproducing fractional point sizes
Note that the Point Size requester now contains an Add to Menu gadget.
When this gadget is deselected, the new point size will not be added to
the list of point sizes in the menu. This is a convenient way of keeping
the point size list to a manageable size by omitting 'one time only'
point sizes.
New Text Wrap Options:
Version 3.0 of Professional Page allows vou to define the text wrap
options of a box. This replaces the permeable/impermeable featnre that
was part of previous versions. There are two sets of options associated
with the text wrap options.
The first set consists of: None, Rectangle and Irregular. None is
equivalent to the old Box Permeable; i.e., the box will not displace any
text. Rectangle is equivalent to Box Impermeable; i.e., text will be
displaced to flow around the box. Irregular will displace text to flow
around any structured graphic.
When Irregular is selected, the second group of options come into play.
They are: Widest, Left, Right and Exclude. Widest will flow text around
the structured graphic on whichever side there is the most room. Left
and Right will flow text around the specified side of the box. Exclude
will not allow any text on either side of the box. Text will flow to the
top of the box and will continue below the box bottom.
When your Text Wrap Option is set to Rectangle or Irregular, you should
enter a value in the Text Standoff gadget to allow some whitespace
between your graphic and the surrounding text.
New Text Import Filters:
The addition of new text filters makes the process of importing text more
convenient. These text filters understand the native formats of common
Amiga word processors (such as ProWrite, QuickWrite, excellence!, etc.)
and will retain text styles and some formatting information. lf you are
using any of the supported word processors you need no longer save your
text as ASCII but may instead Save in the software's own format. You
should still refrain from attempting to incorporate graphic material into
your text files however the graphic materials should be imported into
Professional Page directly.
To accommodate the new formats, a new text filter management system has
been implemented. You select the import format from a list box that
appears when you select Import/Text from the menus. From time to time,
Gold Disk will make additional filters available.
Professional Draw V3.0 Fountain Fill Supported:
Professional Draw (V3.0) or higher) allows you to apply fountain fills to
objects. Such fills are used as picture components or to provide shaded
backdrops to your page elements. Judicious use of this technique may
impart a more professional look to your pages. Incremental variation of
backdrop shading is often seen in adverising materials, greeting cards,
etc. In version 3.0 of Professional Page, fountain fills that are
contained in Professional Draw clips are displayed and printed.
Hot-Link to Professional Draw:
Users of Professional Page may now access the full power of Professional
Draw directly from Professional Page. Clips may be transferred to
Professional Draw for editing or adjustment. This function operates in the
same manner as the hot-link to the Article Editor. For the hot-link to
work, Professional Draw must be running. This will only work with
Professional Draw V3.0 or higher.
To operate the hot-link, simply click on a box containing a Professional
Draw clip and select PDraw from the Draw menu or press right-Amiga-
backslash (the slash on the keyboard's top row).
The Undo feature is one that will be welcomed by users at all levels. If
you shonld make a mistake or if an operation results in an undesirable
side effect, simply click on Undo in the toolbox and your previous
condition will be restored. The Undo Tool replaces the Page Move Tool in
the Toolbox. You may still move the view of the page by means of the
Page Move gadget or by using the cursor keys when not in Edit mode.
The following operations may be undone:
. Changes made via the box attributes requester
. Changes made to the border data of a box
. Changes to the cropping of a box
. Deletion of a box
. Deletion of the contents of a box
. Repositioning of a box
. Reordering of a box (box to front/back)
. Rotation of a box
. Scaling of a box
. Aligning a group
. Centering a group
. Deleting a group
. Moving a group
Whenever you use one of the preceding operations, you create a situation
in which an Undo operation is pending. When an Undo is pending, the Undo
Tool is activated; when there is no pending Undo, the Undo Tool is
ghosted. Note also that Undo works on the most recent operation only,
without Redo; i.e. you cannot undo an Undo operation.
Further, some operations will cancel the pending Undo.
These operations are:
. Box Clone
. Box Import (hitmap, text, etc.)
. Box Link
. Box Unlink
. Create Box
. Edit Text
. Clone group
. Forget group
. Make group
. Merge group
. Delete page
Auto-tiling allows you to produce output that is larger than your printer's
physical page size. This function is available for Preferences printers as
well as PostScript printers. You may define a page up to 48" x 48".
Professional Page will output the oversize page in segments on a series of
standard printer pages. If you commonly send oversize pages to a service
bureau, this feature will allow you to proof the job on any available
Improved Color Separation:
Several improvements have been made to the color separation functions. Of
primary concern to the user is the new manner of defining Undercolor
Removal (UCR). UCR may now be specified as a threshold (expressed as a
percentage). The percentage that you enter in the output requester
specifies the minimum of YMC (yellow, magenta and cyan) below which no
color is removed. Thus, UCR now removes grey only from the darkest areas,
thereby retaining the subtleties of colors which might otherwise be lost.
For more information about UCR and color separations in general, please
consult the Professional Page main manual, Chapter 9: Using Color and
Chapter 10: Output.
Professional Page's new Function Genie facility is useful for automating
common operations, creating special effects or maVing major changes to an
existing document (such as changing the size of every page). In fact, it
is now possible to do virtually anything with Professional Page with just
a few clicks of the mouse! A number of sample Function Genies have been
included in your Professional Page package.
Professional Page Function Genies are implemented as ARexx scripts so they
require ARexx to function. Consequently, you must have ARexx running and
the rexx: directory assigned. If the rexx: directory is not assigned i
your system when you load Professional Page, you will be presented with
a requester telling you to "Insert volume rexx: in any drive". If you
have not run the RexxMast program to make ARexx available, you will
get an error message saying "Genies require ARexx to operate." when you
start Professional Page. If you get this message, quit Professional Page,
start RexxMast and restart Professional Page.
Since Function Genies are actually ARexx scripts, the Genie facility
allows you to run and even edit ARexx scripts from within the application
itself. For more details of both the implementation and the av ailable
ARexx commands, please see Section 9 of this Addendum.
Executing a Function Genie:
When you select the Function Genie Tool (which resembles a smoking 'magic
lamp') a list box will appear with the list of available Function Genies
and a grouping of several buttons. The Function Genies displayed in the
list box are not in memory, but are on disk (in rexx:). To execute a
Function Genie, simply double-click on it (or select it from the list and
click on the Execute button). Some Function Genies involve prompts to the
user. These prompts are displayed on the title bar.
Using the About Button:
Information is available which describes the use of each Function Genie.
After you select the Function Genies Tool and the list box shows the
available Function Genies, simply select the desired Genie with the mouse
and click on the About button. A window will open and the information for
that Function Genie will be displayed.
Defining & Modifying Function Genies:
New Function Genies may be created by clicking on the Define button.
This will bring to the front the Article Editor so that you may enter the
ARexx script for your Function Genie. You may also edit existing scripts
by selecting one from the list box and clicking on the Modify button. Do
not use any style changes (i.e bold, italic) as ARexx will consider them
to be errors.
When you have finished editing, choose Send Text Home in the Article
Editor's Special menu to send the script back to Professional Page (just
as you do when editing text). The program will prompt you for a name for
the newly-created Genie and it will automatically be saved to the rexx:
directory. You need not append a suffix to the name as Professional Page
will automatically append a .pprx extension (which will not appear in the
Genie list).
When creating a new Function Genie, you must begin with a comment line.
ARexx requires this. A comment in ARexx begins with "/*" and ends with "*/"
Here are some examples:
/* This is an ARexx comment. */
The comment need not be en a single line. It just
needs to start and end wIth the right characters.
It's a good idea to use the comment line for describing the program's
function since the information contained in this initial comment is
displayed when you click on the About button.
Function Genie List Management:
The install PPage program will place the Function Genies into the rexx:
directory. When you select the Function Genie Tool, the list box will
display that list of the available Function Genies. However, if you have
Genies in a directory other than rexx:, you may still access them by
clicking on the import button which will bring up a file requester.
Importing a Function Genie in this way will make it available by copying
it to the rexx: directory.
The Delete button allows you to delete a Function Genie. However, you
should be aware that it is the Function Genie file on disk that is
actually deleted and, once deleted, the file is not recoverable.
Function Key Genies:
You may assign a function key shortcut to any Function Genie by selecting
the desired Function Genie and clicking on the Keys button. Professional
Page will then prompt you to hit a Shortcut key. This must be either the
Alt key in conjunction with one of the function keys or Alt-Shift in
conjunction with a function key. The keyboard shorcut associated with a
Function Genie (if any) is displayed to the right of the Genie's name.
To cancel a shortcut assignment, simply select the Function Genie, click
on Keys, and hit the Esc key.
Unexpected Returns:
If ARexx encounters any problems when a Function Genie is executed, a
Results from ARexx command screen will pop up to allow you to read the
ARexx messages and/or errors generated by the execution of the Function
Genie. You are likely to see this screen when developing new Genies.
If there are more messages and/or errors than will fit on the screen,
the word "[MORE]" will appear at the bottom right of the screen. You may
use the cursor keys or the left mouse button to scroll through the list.
When you are finished reading your results, you can close the screen by
pressing the 'q' key, the Return key or by pressing the right mouse button.
The Supplied Function Genies:
The reminder of this section is devoted to a description of the purpose
and operation of the Function Genies that are included in your Professional
Page package. Note that many of these Genies will put prompts and status
reports into the Professional Page title bar and consequently you must be
attentive to changes in the title bar.
Some Genies (Calculator, SmallCaps, NoCaps, FindAndReplace, AllCaps, etc.)
require the Use of gdarexxsupport.library. This file is placed into your
libs: directory automatically when you run Install PPage. If the file is
removed from your libs: directory, you will get an error message from any
Genie that requires the use of this library. Copying the
gdarexxsupport.library file to your libs: directory will allow you to
This Genie will run Art Department Professional (published by ASDG
Incorporated) and pass a bitmap graphic to it from your Professional Page
document. First, you are prompted on the title bar to select a box
containing a bitmap. Click in the desired box. If it does not contain a
bitmap, you will get an error and the Genie will terminate.
When a valid box is selected, you will be presented with a list box that
contains the ADPro screen modes: HIRES, V_OVERSCAN, INTERLACE, PAL and
H_OVERSCAN. Select the desired mode and click on OK. Next, you must
select the Render Mode for ADPro. Click on your choice and click on OK.
The next requester prompts for the image dimensions. The values shown in
the Width and Height string gadgets represent the size of your bitmap in
pixels. The Genie will then try to run ADPro. If ADPro exists under that
name in an assigned volume named ADPro: (i.e. the full path is
ADPro:ADPro), it will run automatically; otherwise, a file requester will
appear so that you can tell the Genie where to find ADPro.
You must save your changes to the bitmap file and quit ADPro to continue
using Professional Page. The Genie will sleep until you quit ADPro; at
which time, your graphic will be returned to its box in the Professional
Page document while "Reimporting bitmap.." appears in the title bar.
This Genie aligns boxes at a user-specified position. You are prompted to
click on the boxes to be aligned. Each time you select a box, a boxnumber
is returned to the Genie. Once you have clicked on all the boxes you want
to align, click on the page itself or on the art board. Clicking on a
position where there is no box returns a boxnumber of 0, which signals the
Genie that you are finished selecting boxes.
The Select alignment.. list box will prompt you for the type of alignment.
Supported alignments are: Bottom, Center Horizontally, Center Vertically,
Left, Right an Top. Make your selection and click on OK. In the next
requester, enter the position (in current units) on the page where the
boxes are to be aligned. For example, selecting Top for alignment and 1
for position (with inches as the current units), will align the tops of
the selected boxes at the 1" mark of the vertical ruler.
This Genie will convert a selected block of text to all uppercase. You
must be in edit mode. If you try to invoke it from any other mode, an
error message will appear. If you have not selected a block of text, you
will get an ARexx error message.
This is handy if you have already created some pages from the templates
or the default and then wish to change the attributes of one of the
component boxes. This Genie will alter the occurrence of that component
box on each of the page in a specified range.
You are prompted (on the title bar) to select the recurring box that you
wish to alter. A list box will appear, allowing you to choose the attribute
to be altered. A requester will prompt you for the change(s) to be made.
Another requester prompts you to specify the range of pages to be altered.
Enter the swing page number of the range in the From gadget and the ending
page number of the range in the To gadget. The third gadget in this
requester allows you to choose whether to apply the changes to odd pages,
even pages or all pages in the specified range.
This Genie will import a text file and paste it into your document,
creating as many pages as required to accommodate the entire file. First,
create a page and then execute this Genie. You will be prompted to click
on the box into which the text is to be imported. There may be several
linked boxes on the page. Click in the first box of the chain. The box
must be empty. After you've clicked on the box, a file requester will
appear, allowing you to select your text file.
When that is done, the Genie imports the text file and pastes it into the
selected box. If the text overflows that box, a new page is created. The
newly-created page will be a duplicate of the first page in the chain.
Each new page is automatically linked to the previous page. This process
continues until all text has been flowed into the document.
The first page in the chain need not be the last in the document; the
resulting pages are inserted. In other words, if you have a four-page
document and you AutoImport a file which requires two pages into page 3,
a new page 4 will be created for your file and the original page 4 will
become page 5.
This Genie can spare you a lot of grief. It will prompt you to save your
work at regular intervals and, optionally, creak a backup file for you.
The backup file is the original copy of the file for this session. For
example, if you run Professional Page and load a document file called
MyDoc, a backup file file of that version of the document is made
(MyDoc.bak) and each time you save, the file MyDoc is updated. For the
duration of that session, MyDoc.bak will remain the same. The next time
you run Professional Page and work with MyDoc, a new MyDoc.bak file will
be created.
When the Genie is executed a requester will present you with two prompts:
one for the number of minutes to wait before prompting you to save And one
requesting whether the Genie should make backup files. Enter appropriate
responses and click on OK. The Results from ARexx command screen will
appear with the message "running AutoSave macro. [CLI x]" where x is a
number that will vary depending on the number of CLI processes running in
your machine. Click the right mouse button to close the screen And resume
When the specified interval has elapsed, a dialog box will appear on the
screen, asking if you want to save now. Clicking Yes will save your
document and, if you have directed the Genie to do so, a backup file will
be created. Clicking on No will bypass the save operation but leave the
Genie running. Clicking on Cancel will terminate the AutoSave Genie.
If you wish, you can use the SavePrefs Genie (see below) to make the
AutoSave Genie run automatically every time you run Professional Page.
This Genie will allow you to apply an attribute change to a selection of
boxes on the page. You will be prompted to select the box attributes that
you wish to change. The choices are: Angle, Frame, FrameData (line color,
fill color, line weight, line pattern, fill pattern), Hide, Tabs, Text
Wrap, Lock, Margins, Offset, Position, Size, Standoff and Transparent.
Select the desired attribute and click on OK. You are then prompted to
click on the boxes to which the changes will be applied. When all boxes
have been selected, click on the page itself or on the artboard. Then
enter the new attribute(s) in the requester that appears.
Use this Genie to invert a text box; i.e. switch to light text on a dark
background. First you are prompted to click on the box to be inverted.
Then a list box appears containing the current color list. Click on the
desired box fill color and click OK. The list box reappears and prompts
you to select the desired text color. Make your selection and click on OK.
This Genie will evaluate a one-line mathematical expression and display
the result for you.
This Genie allows you to issue ARexx commands directly. This is only
recommended for advanced users. If the command takes no parameters,
the empty parentheses may be left off and the Genie will append them
This Genie will copy an attribute from a selected box to one or more
boxes on the same page. When prompted, click on the box whose attribute
is to be copied. The next prompt will direct you to click on the boxes
to which the attribute will be applied. When all destination boxes have
been selected, click on the page itself or on the artboard to signal the
Genie to proceed.
The Select attribute to copy requester will then appear. Click on the
attribute to be copied and click on OK. "Working.." will appear in the
title bar until the Genie has completed its job.
This Genie will copy the contents of a selected box to one or more other
boxes on the page. The first title bar prompt directs you to select the
box whose contents are to be copied and then the recurring prompt directs
you to select destination boxes. When all destination boxes have been
selected, click on the page itself or on the artboard to signal the Genie
to proceed. "Working.." will appear in the title bar until the Genie has
completed its job.
This Genie will replicate a selected box across a range ofpages. When
prompted, click on the box to be replicated. Once the box has been
selected, an Enter options requester will appear, prompting you for the
first and last page number defining the destination range. You also have
the option of copying the selected box to odd, even or all pages.
This Genie will copy the page specifications of the current page to a
range of destination pages. The page specifications are the data that
you access by selecting Page/Alter/Current from the menus.
This Genie will create new pages from a given range of pages. A dialog
box appears requesting input for from, to and number of copies. As an
example, if you have a one-page document and you input "1" for from, "1"
for to and "3" for number of copies, the result will be a four-page
document in which the last three pages are duplicates of the first. Any
existing pages following the source range will be pushed forward to
higher page numbers to make room for the insertion of the copied pages.
This Genie deletes a range of pages. Simply enter the page numbers
corresponding to the first and last pages of the range to be deleted.
As you would expect, any existing pages following the deleted range are
pulled back to lower page numbers, replacing the deleted range.
This Genie creates a drop cap. This will only work on the first line of
the box. First you must click in the box that contains the text that is
to be drop-capped. Then a requester appears containing two string gadgets.
Enter the number of characters to be affected and the number of lines of
text that the drop cap is to traverse. After clicking on OK, you are
presented with the Select Drop Cap font requester. Select the desired
font and click on OK. The first x characters are extracted from the text
and a new box is created at the top left hand comer of the text box with
the first x characters confined within it.
This Genie creates a dropshadow for a selected box. First you must click
in the box that is to be dropshadowed. The Select Drop Shadow offset
requester appears containing two string gadgets, allowing you to specify
values for X and Y. These values represent the left and top offsets of
the dropshadow box and consequently, the width of the drop shadow around
the selected box.
When you click on OK, the new box is created with the specified offsets
and the Select Fill Color requester appears. Click on the desired color
for the dropshadow and click on OK. The new box is then filled with the
specified color and the originally selected box is brought to the front.
If you are in WireFrame Graphics mode, the dropshadow will not be
immediately evident and you will be notified that you must select
WireFrame Graphics to see the results.
This Genie will put up a form requesting your name, address, etc. Enter
your personal info into the string gadgets and click on OK. The data
you enter will be saved in a file (s:ppage.config) and you may then
insert your personal info into a box at any time by invoking the
InsertPersonallnfo Genie (see below).
This Genie will do a global search and replace operation. The Enter
Search String requester will prompt you for the search string and the
replace string. Once those have been entered, you are asked whether or
not the search should be Case sensitive. The Genie will then search
every text box in the document and make all the specified replacements.
The title bar will display "Working" until all boxes have been searched.
This Genie will gather a list of style tags from within a document and
gather all tagged paragraphs into a previously created box. This is a
convenient method for generating a Table of Contents. You must be in edit
mode to use this Genie.
The style tags used in your document are presented in a Select tags to
collect list box. Click on the names of the tags you want to collect. For
a Table of Contents, these will generally be chapter titles, headings and
subheadings. Next, you must click in the box into which the text is to be
placed. "Working" will appear in the title bar while this Genie is
performing its task.
This Genie will greek some or all of the boxes in a document. You specify
the type of boxes to greek in the Select boxes to greek list box. The
choices are: All, Bitmap, EPSF, PDraw Clips, Structured Graphics and Text.
Select one or more types of boxes and click on OK. All boxes matching your
selection criteria will be displayed with a large X in them.
This Genie will allow you to alter the attributes of a selected group. If
no group is selected, you will receive an error message instructing you
to first select a group.
A list box will appear directing you to select the attribute to be
changed. The choices are: Angle, Frame, FrameData Hide, Tabs, Text Wrap,
Lock, Margins, Offset, Position, Size, Standoff and Transparent. Select
the desired attribute and click on OK. Enter the new attribute(s) into
the requester that appears and click on OK. The new attribute will be
applied to every box in the group.
This Genie is used to copy an attribute of a selected box to the current
group. A prompt will direct you to click on the box whose attribute is to
be applied to the group. A list box will appear instructing you to select
the attribute to be changed. The choices are: Angle, Frame, FrameData,
Hide, Text Wrap, Lock, Margins, Offset, Position, Size, Standoff and
Transparent. Select the desired attribute and click on OK. The selected
attribute will be applied to every box in the group.
This Genie will copy the contents of one box to all the boxes in the
current group. When prompted, click on the ungrouped box whose contents
is to be placed into each of the boxes of the group. No other user input
is required. "Working.." will appear in the title bar until the contents
have been copied to all group boxes.
This Genie will copy the selected group to a range of pages that you
specify. The Enter options requester prompts you for a starting page,
ending page and whether the group should be copied to odd, even or all
pages. A "Done" dialog box will inform you when the group has been copied
to all the specified pages.
This Genie will distribute boxes over a user-selected distance (both
horizontally and vertically). This is particularly convenient when you
have created a box and cloned a number of new boxes from it. Select the
group and invoke the Genie. You will be selecting the manner of
distribution and the amount of space.
The Horizontal Distribution requester offers five choices: Boxes,
Centers, Left, None and Right. Boxes will divide the total space into
equal parts. The space between each of the boxes will be equal to one of
those parts. Centers will position the box centers evenly over the
specified space. Left and Right will position the specified box edges
evenly over the specified space. None will result in no horizontal
displacement of the boxes in the group.
The Vertical Distribution requester, its choice and results, is the same
as the horizontal one except that it WOrks in the other dimension. When
you have selected from both requesters, a new requester prompts you for
From and To values. These values define the space within which the group
will be distributed. Enter appropriate v alues to define the desired
area on the page.
This Genie will move the group to a new position on the page. The Enter
coordinates requester will appear, displaying the current values for the
left and top positions of the group. Enter the appropriate values for the
group's desired position. Note that these values are applied to the group
and not to a specific box within the group. In other words, the new left
position will be applied to the leftmost box of the group and the new top
position to the topmost box.
This Genie will rotate a group to a specified angle. Simply enter the
desired angle into the Rotation Angle requester and click OK. The group
will rotate counterclockwise around the top left point of the group.
Entering negative values will rotate the group clockwise.
This Genie will scale a group to a new size. A Select Scaling Options
requester will prompt you for a percentage for width and height. These
values will be applied to the box positions as well as to their size.
It will probably be necessary to manually adjust the font size of text
contained within the boxes. For this reason, this Genie is best applied
in the earlier stages of layout, before the boxes are filled in.
This Genie will space boxes both horizontally and vertically, based on
user input. This is also convenient when you have created a box and
cloned a number of new boxes from it. Select the group and invoke the
Genie. You will be selecting the manner of distribution and the size of
the space between boxes in the group.
The Horizontal Spacing and Vertical Spacing requesters offer the same
choices as their counterparts in GroupDistribute; however, in this Genie
you specify the amount of space between each element of the group, rather
than the total space occupied by the group.
This Genie will replicate a group until it fills the page. This is a
quick and easy way to create a tiled backdrop. A significant time savings
will be realized by those who have been creating such pages manually! An
Enter coordinate's requester will appear containing six string gadgets
for: Start X, Start Y Number of Columns, Number of Rows, Horizontal
spacing and Vertical spacing. The Genie displays appropriate calculated
values (based upon current margin settings and the size of the group) but
you are free to alter them if you wish. Click on OK when all coordinates
are acceptable and the group will be tiled to fit the page.
Note that the group is moved to the top left corner of the page before
it is tiled.
This Genie will capitalize the first letter of all words in a selected
block of text. This Genie works only in edit mode.
This Genie will insert a previously saved Professional Page document
into the current document while maintaining all links between boxes.
For example, if you have a 4-page document with page 3 onscreen and then
insert a 2-page document, the page that w as originally page 3 will be
pushed forward to page 5 and any link between the pages originally
numbered 2 and 3 will still exist between page 2 and what is now page 5.
With a bit of trickery, this Genie can also be used to append a document
in memory with a document on disk. Create a new page from either template
or default - it really doesn't matter since we won't actually be using
this page. With the new page onscreen, invoke this Genie.
This Genie will paste your personal info into the text stream. When
invoked, the Genie will present you with the Select options requester.
You must click on the field names that you want to include and specify
whether the data is to be separated by Returns or by comas. In order
for this Genie to work, the data must have already been entered using
the EnterPersonalInfo Genie (see above).
This genie will make multiple copies of the current document replacing
the document's variable fields with data from a file that you have
The variable fields (or merge strings) are created in Professional Page
by surrounding a word in double guillemots. The guillemot characters are
the French quotation marks that look like this: << >>. Use Alt-9 to type
the opening guillemot character and Alt-0 to type the closing one.
Remember, there must be two opening characters and two closing ones.
If a data merge operation fails, a likely cause is the omission one of
these characters.
A group of merge strings in your Professional Page document might look
like this:
<<<<Name>>>>, <<<<Address>>>>, <<<<City>>>>
Your data file must consist of the replacement data for each of the
variable fields and each data element must be tab-delimited Or in CSV
format (Comma Separated Vales). CSV format requires that a field be
enclosed in double-quotes (inchmarks) and that the fields of a record
be separated by comas. Also, the first line of the data file must be
the field names; i.e. the 'dummy' words that are in the Professional
Page document. Succeeding lines are indivldual records to be used in
each pass of the merge operation. You may create this list manually or
(more conveniently) use a database program 's query language to export
selected records to an ASCII text file. Remember that each field of the
record must be delimited by a tab or a comma. If the file is delimited
with tabs, the inchmarks are not required. A CSV data file intended
for use with the three merge strings in the above example might look
like this:
"Joe User", "123 My Street", "Usertown"
.....<list continues>
If any of the inchmarks are missing in a CSV file, you will get
unexpected results. Another possible reason for a merge failure is
discrepancies between the field names as they appear in the document and
as they appear in the data file; eg., a typo such as "Name" and "Naem".
If the fields do not match, the Genie will not replace the document's
merge field with your data.
When the Genie is invoked, a file requester appears prompting you to
select the data file that is to be used for the merge operation. Select
your data file and click on OK. As the data file is read in, the title
bar will display a status message indicating the number of records read.
When all records have been read, the title bar will inform you that the
Genie is "Preparing document for mail merge.."
Preparing the document consists of searching through the text to find
all the merge fields. Once that is done, a copy of the merge page is
made and the fields are replaced by the data from the first record.
When the Genie reaches the end of the document, another merge page is
created and, again, the fields are replaced again with the data from
the next record. This process continues until all records in the data
file have been merged.
On each pass through the document, the Genie will report on the title bar
"Merging record xxx of yyy" where xxx is the current record number and
yyy is the total number of records to be merged. Note that the original
merge fields still exist in your document. This allows you to repeat the
process with another data file.
There are two special merge fields used in conjunction with this Genie.
The first is <<<<Next>>>>. This will cause the Genie to skip to the next
record in the merge data file. You will want to use this special merge
field if you intend to have multiple records within a single document;
on a sheet of laser labels, for example. To place multiple records on
a single page, you would place a <<<<Next>>>> after each group of field
names except the last, since reaching the end of the document cause the
Genie to skip to the next record automatically.
The other special merge field uses the equals sign followed by any valid
ARexx expression (««=<expression>»»). The expression will be evaluated by
ARexx and the merge field replaced by the expression 's results. This
special merge field is very powerful because you may also execute disk
resident macros; to query databases, for example. For an example of its
use, see ReplaceMergeCodes below. If any errors are encountered while
the expression is being evaluated, the error(s) will be reported and the
Genie terminated.
This Genie will create several columns in a box. First you must click on
the box that the Genie will use as a guide; once the columns have been
created, this box will be deleted. A dialog box will then appear
prompting y ou to enter the number of columns required and the gutter
size and whether or not you want vertical column dividers, box borders
and links between columns. Enter the appropriate responses and click on
OK. If the box that you selected contains text and you have chosen to
link the columns, the text will be removed from the original box and
flowed into the newly created columns.
This Genie will put boxes of a specified size on the page. These guide
boxes may used as sizing and positioning indicators. When the Genie is
invoked, the Enter Dimensions of Grid requester will appear, prompting
you to enter values for: number of columns of boxes, number of rows of
boxes and size of the gutter between boxes. Enter the desired values
and click On OK. The title bar will display "Working" while the boxes
are being created. All guide boxes are pushed to the back so as to not
interfere with page contents.
This genie will move a range of pages within a document. The Enter Range
requester prompts you for the swing page number of the range, the ending
page number of the range and the destination page number. Enter the
appropriate page numbers and click on OK. The indicated range of pages
will be moved such that its first page is at the specified destination
page number.
This Genie will convert a selected block of text to lowercase. This Genie
works only in edit mode.
This Genie will import a range of cells from Professional Calc.
Professional Calc must be running and the desired speadsheet must
be loaded.
First you are prompted to click on a box. This box will be used as a
guide for the size and position of the imported spreadsheet range. You
must ensure that the box selected is large enough to contain the range
neatly but not so large as to separate the values too widely. You are
then asked if you want to delete the box. Click on your choice. You are
then directed to select the desired range in Professional Calc. When that
is done, you may click the Resume button and the Genie will begin
collecting the data from the range of cells.
The Select Options requester appears. Three options are available: Create
Link, Make Grid Lines and Right Justify Numbers. Create Link is used to
create a small data file on disk that will be used in conjuction with the
ProCalc TableUpdate Genie (described below). Select an appropriate path
and filename in the file requester. If the contents of the spreadsheet
range are likely to change, you will want to select Create Link so that
your Professional Page document can be updated with the new values later.
On the other hand, if you know that your table data will not change, there
is no purpose in choosing Create Link.
Make Grid Lines and Right Justify Numbers are appearance factors. Each
cell of the spreadsheet range will be enclosed in its own box. If you
select Make Grid Lines, the boxes comprising the range will have visible
outlines. If you prefer to have the numbers on a blank field with a box
around the entire table, do not choose Make Grid Lines. Instead, click
on No when asked if you want to delete the original box and choose Box
Frame for that box. Finally, you will probably always want to select
Right Justify Numbers.
This Genie updates a Professional Calc table that is already contained
in a Professional Page document. You must have chosen Create Link when
the table was first imported and Professional Calc must be running with
the spreadsheet loaded. When you invoke this Genie, a file requester will
appear and you select the link data file that corresponds to the table
you wish to update. The Genie will then check the spreadsheet for new
values in the range of cells that you selected when the table was first
imported. Any cells that have been altered will be extracted from the
spreadsheet and placed in their proper position in the Professional Page
This Genie will search a document for merge codes which begin with the
following sequence: <<<<=. Between the merge codes, the Genie expects to
find a valid ARexx command or macro which it will interpret. The merge
codes will be replaced with the result of the interpreted command. For
example, if a box contained the following text:
Today is ««=FormatDate.rexx ("%w, %m %tth, %y")»»
invoking this Genie would result in the following text being plaeed in
the box:
Today is Wednesday, January 26, 1992
Or whatever the system date happens to be. This Genie is very powerful
because you may also execute disk resident macros; to query databases,
for example.
This Genie will bring up a list box containing all the settings available
in Professional Page. Click on all the ones you would like to preserve
for future sessions. The Genie will save your current settings to a file
(s:ppage.config). Each time you run Professional Page, the configuration
file will be loaded and your specified settings will be restored. In
addition, this Genie will ask you if you want to run the AutoSave Genie
(see above) each time that Professional Page is run.
This Genie will set a custom page size on a range of pages. The Enter
Info requester appears, containing five string gadgets for: Page Width,
Page Height, Start Page, End Page and ODD/EVEN/ALL. Enter the
appropriate responses and click on OK. All indicated pages will be set
to the specified size.
This Genie will change the selected block to uppercase. Any letters in
the block that were already capitals when the block was selected with be
increased in point size by 25%.
This Genie will duplicate, move and rotate a box according to your
instructions. First you are prompted to click on the "seed" box. The Step
& Repeat requester then appears, prompting you for: Count, Horizontal
Offset, Vertical Offset and Angle. Count is the number of copies that will
be created The Horizontal and Vertical Offset values are added to the left
and top values of the previous box in the chain to set the position of the
next box. Similarly, for each new box, the ed Angle value is added to the
Rotation Angle of the previous box in the chain.
This Genie will subscript the selected block. You must be in edit mode for
this Genie to work. The subscripted characters will be reduced to a point
size that is equivalent to 75% of the current size. The baseline of the
selected block will be lowered by a value that is equivalent to 25% of
the current fontsize.
This Genie will replace a typeface with a different one throughout your
entire document. A list box will appear, containing all the available
typefaces. Choose the typeface that you wish to change and click on OK.
The same list box will immediately appear again and you then choose the
typeface that you want substituted. Click on OK again and the title bar
will display "Working.." while the substitutions are being made.
This Genie will superscript the selected block. You must be in edit mode.
The superscripted characters will be reduced to a point size that is
equivalent to 75% of the current size. The baseline of the selected block
will be raised by a value that is equivalent to 25 % of the current
Table Import:
This Genie works in much the same way as the Professional Calc Table
Import Genie described above. It will import a text file (in CSV format
or tabdelimited) from disk and create a table for it using an existing
box as a guide. You must first click on the guide box and inform the Genie
as to whether or not you wish to delete the guide box. You then select the
CSV text file to import from a file requester. Finally, you are given the
option of having grid lines created and of having numbers right justified.
This Genie will ungreek boxes of a specified type (or types). A list box
will appear prompting you to choose which types of boxes to ungreek.
The choices are: Bitmap, EPSF, PDraw Clips, Structured Graphics and
Text. Choose whatever combination you wish and click on OK. If you loaded
a document and answered No to "Load bitmaps immediately", this Genie is
very convenient for redisplaying all the pictures in your document in a
single step.
This Genie will convert values from one typesetting unit to another. The
equivalencies are based on 1 - inch - 72 points, 6 picas, 2.54cm, 66.9566
ciceros, or 14 agates. The Conversion fields.. requester appears. Enter a
value for any unit and click on OK. The requester will reappear containing
the converted values. You may then enter another value for conversion and
continue in this fashion until you click on Cancel or click on OK without
making any changes.
Page Genies provide you with a facility for automatically creating pages.
It's similar to having an unlimited number of interactive templates. To
create a page from a list of predefined Page Genies, select
Page/Create/from Genie. This will bring up the Select type of document
list box containing the available Page Genie types. The types included in
the Professional Page package are: Avery Labels, Business Report,
Envelope, Full Page Ads, Traditional NewsLetter and Two Fold Brochure.
Double-click on the desired type and a list of subtypes is presented.
Again, select the desired subtype and follow the presented instructions
for that particular Page Genie. We'll step through a few examples to give
you an idea of what to expect from each of the various types.
Avery Labels:
This Genie will come in very handy if you often find yourself generating
labels for mailing lists, file folders, audio cassettes, video cassettes,
floppy disks - most anything! This Genie creates pages to exactly match
labels produced by Avery, both those intended for dot-matrix printers
(tractor feed, fanfold) and those intended for laser printers (full page
When you invoke this Genie, a list box appears containing the names of
the various label types: Dot Matrix Labels, European Laser Labels, French
Dot Matrix Labels and Laser Labels. Select one of these and click on OK.
"Reading label database.." will appear in the title bar. Once the database
has been read, it will be displayed to you in the Select Label list box.
Each entry consists of the Avery catalog number followed by a short
description of the type of label. Click on the type of label you're
using. If a box or group is currently selected, you will be asked if you
want it to be scaled to fit the dimensions of the label. Click on Yes Or
No's you wish, and the matching page will be created.
If you've chosen Dot Matrix Labels, each page corresponds to only one
label and you will be asked, "How many Dot Matrix Labels?" The number
you enter is the number of 'pages' (i.e. labels) that will be created.
This is convenient when you have a fixed, known number of labels to
generate. However, for a mailing list that is continually changing, it
will undoubtedly be more convenient to export the data as a CSV file and
use one dot matrix label in conjunction with the MailMerge Function Genie.
Business Report:
This Genie will create a business report consisting of three pages: a
cover page, a section title page and a body page. While the first page
is on the screen, you are prompted for a report name and date. Other
requesters will appear to get your input for typeface, type style, point
size, etc. Once these are completed you are asked if you want to insert
your personal info. Respond with Yes and a requester will appear
containing the field names of your personal info. Click on the fields you
want to include and click on OK. again, other requesters will appear to
get your input for typeface, type style, point size, etc.
On the second page of the report, y ou enter a section title into a
requester and select your choices for typeface, size, etc. You are
then asked to indicate the number of columns you want for body text.
Enter the desired number of columns and the width of the gutter.
Another list box will appear offering you three options with regard to
your columns: Borders, Link Columns and Vertical Dividers. Borders will
give the columns visible outlines and Vertical Dividers will place ruling
lines in the gutters between columns. Choose either or both of these if
you want to incorporate these appearance factors. You will probably always
want to select Link Columns to ensure that your text gets flowed into all
the columns required. The third page again requests column information,
allowing you to have a different number and/or style of column on the
pages of the report body.
When you invoke the Envelope Page Genie, the Enter size of Envelope list
box appears. Select 9 x 4 inches or Custom. Next, you will be asked if
you would like to have your company name and address inserted
automatically. This will only work if you have previously entered your
personal info via a Function Genie. The envelope page is then created.
If you have selected Custom, you will be prompted for the width and
height of your envelope. If you responded to the name and address question
by clicking on Yes, you are then prompted to click on the position on the
envelope where your name and address will be positioned. Finally, you are
directed to select a typeface and point size for your personal info.
Full Page Ads:
Invoking this Page Genie will bring up the Select type of Ad requester
which contains three choices: Double Column, Single Column2 and Single
Column3. For the purposes of our demonstration, select Double Column.
For this Genie, you will be asked for headline text (and the attributes
of that text), whether or not to import a text file and for the type of
graphic you want to use. A number of other requesters will appear to
receive your input for the various text attributes and to get a filename
for the graphic. Selecting Cancel in any of these requesters will leave
the indicated text attribute unchanged. Once you have responded to all
the prompts for each of these page elements, you will be asked if the
result is acceptable. If it is not, you can click on Try Again and
reset any of the attribute (or select a different file, as required).
Finally, you are asked if you want to include your personal info. If you
select Yes, you are presented with a requester containing the field names
of your personal info. Click on the fields that you want to include and
click on OK. Again, you will be prompted for the text attributes for your
personal info.
Traditional Newsletter:
This Genie begins by requesting your input for four text items: the
headline, a subheading, volume and issue number and the date. After
entering each item, you must select the text attributes for that text.
After the attributes have been applied to each item, you are asked to
confirm that the result is acceptable.
When the initial four text items are completed, you are asked, "How many
columns will you need?". Enter the desired number of columns and a value
for the gutter space between the columns. The Select Column Options
requester will appear, offering three choices: Borders, Link Columns and
Vertical Dividers. For our demonstration, select all three and click on OK.
Next, a second page will appear and you will be asked for the number of
columns and the gutter size for inside pages. Enter your desired values,
click OK and select the column options for the inside pages. You are then
returned to the front page, asked if you want to import a text file and
directed to provide input for the body text attributes.
Two Fold Brochure:
This Genie will create both sides of a two-fold brochure on a standard
size page. First you are prompted for the text and attributes of the
headline box. When done, you are asked, "Is this OK?". Clicking on Try
Again will permit you to make adjustments to the headline as shown. When
you click on Yes, you are then prompted for the text and attributes for
the subheading box. The last stage of this Genie's creation process is
to ask if you want to import a file and to give the attributes of the
body text.
Professional Page's ARexx interface recognizes approximately 330
commands. Virtually every aspect of Professional Page operations may now
be driven by an ARexx script. If you have not been using ARexx previously,
we strongly recommend that you obtain and install it on your system since
many programs, not just Professional Page, can take advantage of its
presence to offer you additional capabilities. For example, we saw in
Section 7 how Professional Calc can work in tandem with Professional
Page by means of Function Genies.
Depending on your circumstances, you may wish to use Professional Page
in conjunction with other ARexx-aware applications, such as an
image-processing program or a terminal program.
Once you have obtained and installed ARexx, it is also a good idea to
insert the line
somewhere into your startup-sequence so that ARexx will always be
If you're new to ARexx programming (or even if you're not), we highly
recommend that you obtain a copy of the book Using ARexx on the Amiga by
Chris Zamara and Nick Sulliv an. The book contains both tutorial and
reference material and includes a companion disk. Using ARexx on the Amiga
is published by Abacus.
Technical Information:
The Professional Page ARexx host is implemented as an ARexx function host
(rather that the more usual command host). This is because many of the
ARexx commands in Professional Page return a result, and results can be
handled much more tidily when they appear as a function return than when
they must be accessed through the RESULT keyword.
One important characteristic of a function host is that it is global;
every function call in every ARexx macro is passed through a multi-stage
search procedure that begins with internal functions (those in the macro
source itself), continues with the built-in ARexx function library (the
functions listed in the ARexx manual), turns next to function hosts (such
as Professional Page) and function libraries, and finally to external
programs on disk. Consequently, it is not necessary to address
Professional Page's specific ARexx port ("PPAGEAREXX").
All resident Professional Page ARexx functions may be called from within
Professional Page Function Genies by their listed names. If you are
calling them from an external ARexx program then you must prefix the names
with "PPM_" in order for the calls to work. Because function calls are
global rather than being addressed to a particular host, there is a danger
of inadvertent name collision. The prefix ensures that your function will
be received by Professional Page and not by some other program that has a
function with the same name.
Parameter & Return Information:
The format of the commands is:
* result = Function (arg1, [arg2...])
When an argument is optional, it is enclosed in square brackets in the
definition. If optional arguments are omitted, you must still include the
commas. An asterisk at the beginning of the line signifies that the
function is allowed in Text Edit mode. If a function returns more than one
item of data, those items are returned in a string with spaces separating
each item. Argument and return types are discussed below for each
function. All numerical parameters are in the current user units
(inches, for example), unless otherwise noted.
. All Getxxx functions return data in the same form as the
corresponding Setxxx function.
. Numerical parameters are in current user units (eg. inches) unless
otherwise noted.
. Functions that do not return a value must be called in ARexx; eg.,
call autoUpdate(0).
. Arguments consisting of text should be enclosed in double quotes;
eg., num = BoxNum("First Box").
Page and Box Identifiers:
In Professional Page v3.0, pages and boxes have unique identifiers to allow
macro access. Such an identifier may be either a user-specified name or a
number. If an identifier is optional and absent, the current page (or
currently active box) is assumed.
In the case of pages, an identifier that is a number may refer to either
a sequential or logical page. It can be important to recognize the
distinction between the two. A sequential page number represents the
position of a given page within a Professional Page document file. A
logical page number represents the position of a given page in a document
file once the page number Offset has been figured in; in other words, the
page's number in the printed document. In many cases, the sequential and
logical page numbers will be the same. An example will make this clear.
Suppose that you have an eight-page document contained in two files,
MyDoc1.pp and MyDoc2.pp. There are four pages in MyDoc1.pp and, when
printed, the page numbers will be 1 through 4. In this case, the
sequential and logical page numbers are identical. However, in MyDoc2.pp
there are four pages to which a page number offset has been applied. When
printed, these pages will be numbered 5 through 8. Therefore, in
MyDoc2.pp, the first page in the data file has a sequential page number
of 1 but a logical page number of 5.
If the page identifier's number is of the form #xxx, logical page numbers
are used; otherwise, sequential page numbers are used. When a page number
is returned by a function, that number is the sequential page number
unless otherwise noted.
In the case of boxes, Professional Page generates a unique box ID for
each box in the document. Consequently, user-specified box names cannot
be integers, since the internal box ID's are integers. The internal box ID
is the specifier that is returned when a box ID is requested.
Note: In the material that follows, <CR> represents a Return character or
new line. This is specified in ARexx by '0a'x.
General Functions:
This command has the same effect as the STOP! gadget in the print status
window, for both dot-matrix and PostScript printing.
Clears or sets (0 or 1) auto-update mode. When auto-update mode is set,
after each ARexx function, the screen is updated (if there are no pending
messages). Most of the time you will want to turn auto-update mode off.
When the parameter is (0), the screen is not updated until the Genie is
finished or an UpdateScreen command is issued.
* datewhen = CreationDate()
Returns the date on which the file was created.
* datenow = CurrentDate()
Returns the current date.
change = DocChanged()
Returns a 1 if the document has changed since the last save, 0 if not.
* whodoc = GetAuthor()
Returns the author's name as entered in the Information box.
* call SetAuthor(name)
Replaces the author's name in the Information box with name.
* title = GetDocName()
Returns the document name as contained in the Information box.
* call SetDocName(newname)
Sets the document's name to newname.
* ptlist = GetParaTagList()
This function returns the list of Paragraph Tags used in the current
document in the following format: (N)<CR>tagname1<CR>tagname2<CR>...
where N is the number of tags in the list.
* fonts = GetPSFontsUsed([page])
This function returns: (N)<CR>font1<CR>font2<CR>... where N is the number
of fonts used. The actual PostScript font names are used. If the optional
page identifier is included, the list will include only the fonts used on
the specified page; otherwise, the entire document is searched.
* numsaves = GetRevision()
Returns document revision number as confined in the information box.
* call SetRevision(integer)
Sets the revision number in the Information box to integer.
* state, requester = GetState()
Use this command to determine the current state of Professional Page. A
value between 0 and 17 will be returned depending on which aspect of the
program is active. The state values are as follows:
NULL = 0 Bezier Draw = 9
CreateBox = 1 Freehand Draw = 10
Group Select = 2 Polygon Draw = 11
Text Editing = 3 Facing Pages = 12
Link Box = 4 Thumbnail Pages = 13
Unlink Box = 5 Moving Box = 14
Line Draw = 6 Cropping Box = 15
Rectangle Draw = 7 Scrolling Screen = 16
Circle Draw = 8 Printing = 17
If a requester is active, the requester type is indicated by one of the
following values:
None = 0
File selector = 1
Verify or Error = 2
ColorList1 = 3
ColorList2 = 4
Typeface List = 5
BitMap List = 6
Unused = 7
Style Tag List = 8
Paragraph Tag List = 9
Pantone Color List = 10
Text Filter List = 11
PostScript Font List = 12
EPSF File List = 13
Function Genie List = 14
List created by ARexx = 15
Enter Tracking = 16
Enter Baseline = 17
Enter Genie Name = 18
Enter Line Weight = 19
ARexx Get Text from user = 20
ARexx Enter box text = 21
UCR/GCR = 22
Text Greeking = 23
ARexx Get user data = 24
Create Page from Default = 25
Alter Current Page = 26
Alter Even Template = 27
Alter Odd Template = 28
Alter Default Page = 29
Enter New Point Size = 30
Box Attributes = 31
Print to Dot Matrix = 32
Print to postScript = 33
Print Thumbnail = 34
Document information = 35
Hyphenation Parameters = 36
Find = 37
Find/Replace = 38
Date/Page Formats = 39
Line Spacing = 40
PostScript Page Specs = 41
Color Palette = 42
Modify/Define Paragraph Tag = 43
Modify/Define Style Tag = 44
Create Page from Template = 45
Layout Tools = 46
* stylist = GetStyleTagList()
This function returns the Style Tag list in the following format:
(N)<CR>tagname1<CR>tagname2<CR>... where N is the number of tags in the
* facelist = GetTypeFaceList()
This function returns the list of typefaces contained in the document
according to the following format: (N)<CR>face1<CR>face2<CR>... where N
is the number of typefaces in the list.
collist = GetColorList()
This function returns the list of colors used in the document according
to the following format: (N)<CR>color1<CR>color2<CR>... where N is the
number of colors in the list.
call New()
Behaves exactly as does selecting the menu item Project/New.
* totalboxes = NumBoxes([pgnm])
Returns the number of boxes in the document or, if the optional page
identifier is supplied, the number of boxes on that page.
* totalpages = NumPages()
Returns the number of pages in the document.
* call Pause(secs)
Pauses for the number of seconds indicated by secs.
call PPageToBack()
This command sends the Professional Page screen to the back.
call PPageToFront()
This command will bring the Professional Page screen to the front.
call PPQuit()
Exits Professional Page (same as selecting the Project/Quit menu item).
* lastsave = SavedDate()
Returns the date of the last Save operation for this document.
call SetBatchMode(bool)
When this mode is set on (1), all requesters will be automatically
responded to with OK or Resume. When set off (0), all requesters will
appear in the normal fashion.
newlist = SortList(list, [dir], [case])
Sorts the specified list. The dir argument is 0 for descending and 1 for
ascending. The case argument is 0 for case insensitive, 1 for case
sensitive. List and Newlist both use the format: Item1<CR>Item2<CR>...
call UpdateScreen()
Redraws the screen.
* call Version()
Returns copyright notice along with the Professional Page version number.
User Interactive Functions:
* filespec = GetFileName(prompt, path, [filename])
This function brings up a file requester and returns the file specifier.
If the user cancels the requester, an empty string is returned.
* manylines = GetForm (title, strlen, form)
This function will return a formatted string containing multiple lines of
user input. The title string will appear in the requester's drag bar. The
length of the requester's string gadgets are specified by strlen. The
formatted string is defined by form. If you wish, you may also use form
to fill the string gadgets with suggested or recommended data; eg.,
An example of the use of GetForm, taken from the StepAndRepeat Genie, is
shown below:
cr = '0a'x
form = "count"cr"horizontal offset"cr"vertical offset"cr"angle"
form = ppm_GetForm("Step and Repeat",8,form)
if form = '' then exit_msg("Operation cancelled")
parse var form count '0a'x horizontal '0a'x vertical
'0a'x angle
* userinput = GetUserText(integer,prompt)
Gets a single line of input from the user using prompt as a directive to
the user and using a buffer size of integer.
* choiceint = Inform(numbuttons, text, [button1txt],
[button2txt], [button3txt])
this function allows you to inform the user of text, to offer the user up
to three choices and to have the user's response returned. The numbuttons
parameter is one of 1/2/3. If no button text is specifed, a value of 1
will use resume for the button text and a value of 2 will use Yes and No.
Note that the first button is positioned in the lower right of the dialog
box, the second to the left of the first and the third to the left of the
second. The function returns -1 if there is an error, 0 if the first
(rightmost) button is clicked, 1 if the second, and 2 if the third.
* call ShowStatus(text)
Displays text on the Professional Page title bar. This function can be
used to prompt the user for mouse clicks, etc.
* call ClearStatus()
Restores the title bar to the normal Professional Page title.
whichbox = ClickOnBox(prompt)
Displays prompt and waits for the user to click the left mouse button and
returns the boxID of the user-selected box. This allows Genies to operate
on user-selected boxes without having to know the boxname or boxID. The
function will return 0 if the user clicks on a location that is not
contained within a box. A number of the Function Genies use this technique
to terminate multiple box selection.
* call SaveText(file, text)
Creates a file and saves text into it.
* call SaveMoreText(file, text)
Appends the given text to an existingfile.
clickspot = GetClickPosition(prompt)
Displays prompt to the user and returns the X-Y position of the location
on page where the user clicked.
* chosen = SelectFromList(title, width, height (in
lines), mode (0 or 1), list)
A method of offering the user a list of multiple choices and receiving the
response. Width is the width of the list in characters, height is the
height in lines. When mode is 0, only a single choice is returned; i.e.
items are mutually exclusive. When mode is 1, the user can make multiple
choices and items toggle on and off when selected. Both list and chosen
are lists in the form of: Item1<CR>Item2<CR>... The first element in list
will be pre-selected and the list will be sorted.
Page Operations:
* cpage = CurrentPage()
Returns the page number of the current page.
* logpage = LogicalPage([page])
Returns the logical page number of the specified sequential page (if
supplied); otherwise returns logical page number of the current page.
* fpage = DocFirstPage()
This function returns 0 if the document contains no pages; otherwise,
returns 1.
* npage = DocNextPage([page])
Returns the page number of the document page following the indicated one
or, if page is not supplied, the page after the current page.
* lpage = DocLastPage()
Returns the page number of the last page of the document.
newpage = GotoPage([page])
Sets the current page to page.
page = PageUp()
Displays the next page of the document (like using the Page Up gadget).
page = PageDown()
Displays the previous page of the document (like using the Page Down
page = CreatePage(fromnumber, tonumber, from, [autolink], [lock])
Creates pages which are inserted atfromnumber up to tonumber. Returns
the page number of the first page created. The from parameter can be one
of four choices (0/1/2/3): default page, page number template, even
template or odd template. The optional autolink and lockparameters can
be 0 or 1 and correspond to the buttons in the Create Page requester.
numgone = DeletePage([startpage], [numdel])
Deletes numdel pages starting from startpage. Returns the number of
pages deleted. With no parameters, deletes current page only.
numcopies = CopyPage(pgnm, pgnm2, [num])
Insert num copies of pgnm before pgnm2. Returns number of pages created.
bool = MakeTemplate(pagenum, whichtemp)
Copies pagenum to whichtemp; even if 0, odd if 1.
newpage = MovePage(pgnm, pgnm2)
Moves pgnm to the position before pgnm2 and returns the resulting page
Page Parameters:
These functions set and get page parameters which are normally accessed
through the Page/Create requesters.
col&gutter = GetPageColumns([pgnm])
Returns the number of columns and the gutter size on the specified page
or on the current page.
call SetPageColumns(pgnm, numcols, gutter)
Sets the number of columns and gutter size for the indicated page.
pmargs = GetPageMargins([pgnm])
Returns the margins of the specified page or the current page as "left
top right bottom".
call SetPageMargins(pgnm, left, top, right, bottom)
Sets the margins for the specified page.
pname = GetPageName([pgnm])
Returns the name of the specified page or the current page.
call SetPageName(pgnm, name)
Assigns a name to a specific page.
poffset = GetPageOffset([pgnm])
Returns the page number offset of the specified page or the current page.
call SetPageOffset(pgnm, offset)
Sets the page number offset for the specified page. Offset is one of:
+n/-n/n. The page number offset is the data item contained in the Offset
string gadget of the Current Page Format requester that appears when you
select Page/Alter/Current from the menus. For more information, see the
Professional Page User's Guide (pg. 173).
call SetPagePosition(x, y)
Places position x,y of the page to the upper left of the screen, if
psize = GetPageSize([pgnm])
Returns the size of the specified page or the current page.
call SetPageSize(pgnm, Xsize, Ysize)
Sets the dimensions of the indicated page.
ptype = GetPageType([pgnm])
Returns the type of the specified page or the current page. Ptype is one
of 0/1/2/3/4/5/6, corresponding to Custom, STD, LEGAL, A3, A4, A5 and A6.
call SetPageType(pgnm, ptype)
Sets the type of the specified page. Ptype is as described above.
Page PostScript Output Specs:
These functions set and get page parameters which are accessed through the
Output Page Specfications requester which appears when you click the
Postscript Output Specs button in the New Page Format requester.
pspsize = GetPSPageSize()
Returns the output page size.
call SetPSPageSize(Xsize, Ysize)
Sets the PostScript page dimensions (output page size).
angle = GetPSOutputAngle([pgnm])
Returns the output angle of the specified page or the current page.
call SetPSOutputAngle(pgnm, angle)
Sets the output angle of the specified page.
cropdata = GetPSOutputCrop([pgnm])
For the current or specified page, returns the status of crop marks
(off or on), their length, open space and bleed.
call SetPSOutputCrop(pgnm, status (0 or 1), len, open, bleed)
For the specified page, sets whether crop marks are off or on (status),
the crop mark lengths, open space and bleed.
ejectstat = GetPSOutputEject([pgnm])
Returns the eject status (0 or 1) of the current page or the specified
call SetPSOutputEject(pgnm, eject)
For the specified page, sets whether eject is off (0) or on (1).
orient = GetPSOutputOrient([pgnm])
Returns the orientation (0/1/2/3 corresponding to none, portrait,
landscape or center) for the specified page or the current page.
call SetPSOutputOrient(pgnm, orient)
Sets the orientation (see above) for the specified page.
pospage = GetPSOutputPosn([pgnm])
Returns the offset ofPS output for the specified page or the currentpage.
call SetPSOutputPosn(pgnm, Xpos, Ypos)
Sets the offset of PostScript oUtpUt for the specified page.
psscale = GetPSOutputScale([pgnm])
Returns the output scale of the specified page or the current page.
call SetPSOutputScale (pgnm, Xsize, Ysize)
Sets the output scale of the specified page.
Box Operations:
These functions set and get box parameters which are generally accessed
through the Active Box requester which appears when you select Alter/Active
from the Box menu.
* boxid = ArtFirstBox([bxnm])
Activates and returns the boxID of the first box in the article containing
* boxid = ArtLastBox([bxnm])
Activates and returns the boxID of the last box in the article containing
* boxid = ArtNextBox([bxnm])
Activates and returns the boxID of the next box in the article containing
bxnm. This allows traversal of an article's chain of boxes.
* boxid = DocFirstBox()
Activates and returns the boxID of the first box in the document. If
there are no boxes on any of the document pages, the artboard page is
checked next. A 0 is returned if there are no boxes anywhere.
* boxid = DocNextBox([bxnm])
Returns the boxID of the next box in the document. This is similar to
PageNextBox, except that this function will jump to the next page if there
are no more boxes on the page containing bxnm.
* boxid = PageFirstBox([page])
Activates the first box on page (or on the current page) and retums that
* boxid = PageNextBox([bxnm])
Activ ates the box after bxnm on the same page and returns that boxID.
If there are no more boxes on the page, the function will return 0.
boxnum = BoxAtPosn(Xpos, Ypos, [pgnm])
Selects the box at position Xpos-Ypos and returns the box number or 0
if x is at that position. This can be used to select a box without a name,
or the same box on each page. If two or more boxes overlap at Xpos,Ypos,
the number of the uppermost box is returned.
call BoxChangePage(bxnm, pgnm)
Moves bxnm to the specified page at the same position that it had on its
original page.
* thisbox = BoxNum([bxnm])
Returns the boxID for the specified box bxnm or for the active box if
bxnm is omitted.
* bool = BoxOverlaps(bxnm, Xpos, Ypos)
Returns 1 if the specified box contains the point Xpos,Ypos; otherwise,
returns 0.
* seqpgnum = BoxPage(bxnm)
Returns sequential page number of the page containing the specified box.
call BoxtoBack([bxnm])
Pushes the specified (or current) box to the back.
call BoxtoFront([bxnm])
Brings the specified (or current) box to the front.
boxid = CloneBox(bxnm, deltaX, deltaY)
Clones a new box that is offset from the original box (bxnm) by the
amounts indicated by deltaX and deltaY the boxID of the newly-cloned box
is returned.
boxid = CreateBox(left, top, width, height, angle, [boxname])
Creates a new box with the supplied position, size and angle
specifications and returns the boxID of that box. You may optionally
assign boxname to this new box.
bool = DeleteBox([bxnm])
Deletes the specified bxnm (or the current box).
bool = DeleteContents([bxnm])
Deletes the contents of bxnm. If bxnm is part of an article chain, the
entire article is deleted.
boxid = DrawBez(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, [boxname])
The start point, midpoint and end point respectively of the curve are
specified by the numbered parameters. Optionally, you may supply a
boxname for the resultant box. Returns the boxID of the new box.
boxid = DrawEllipse(xc, yc, rx, ry, rot, [boxname])
The ellipse center is specified by xc and yc, the radius by rx and ry.
These correspond to the values displayed in the title bar while drawing
an ellipse manually. Optionally, you may supply a boxname for the
resultant box. Returns the boxID of the new box.
boxid = DrawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, [boxname])
The starting point of the line is defined by x0 and y0; the ending point
by x1 and y1. Optionally, you may supply a boxname for the resultant box.
Returns the boxID of the new box.
boxid = DrawPoly(file, [boxname])
The specified file contains a data array consisting of X-Y pairs defining
each point of the polygon. Each vertex must be on a separate line and X
and Y must be separated by a space. Optionally, you may supply a boxname
for the resultant box. Returns the boxID of the new box.
boxid = DrawRect(X0, Y0, X1, Y1, [boxname])
The initial drawing point is indicated by X0 and Y0 and X1 and Y1 are the
coordinates of the diagonally opposite corner. Optionally, you may supply
a boxname for the resultant box. Returns the boxID of the new box.
tilt = GetBoxAngle([bxnm])
Returns the rotation angle of the specified (or current) box.
call SetBoxAngle(bxnm, angle)
Sets the indicated box to the specified angle. The angle is applied by
rotating around the box's center This will change the values ofbox left
and top.
status = GetBoxFrame([bxnm])
Returns the frame status (off or on) of the specified (or current) box.
call SetBoxFrame(bxnm, setting)
Sets the frame of the specified box off/on (0/1).
framdat = GetBoxFrameData([bxnm])
Returns the frame attributes for the specified box. The attributes
returned are in the format: linecolor fillcolor lineweight linepattern
call SetBoxFrameData(bxnm, linecolor, fillcolor, linewt, linepat, fillpat)
Sets the frame attributes for the specified box. Linecolor and fillcolor
are color names and must be in the current color list. Linewt is in
points. Linepat and fillpat are pattern numbers corresponding to the
positions of the patterns in the Draw menu.
status = GetBoxHide([bxnm])
Returns the Quick Display status of the specified (or current) box.
call SetBoxHide(bxnm, setting)
Clears/sets (0/1) Quick Display mode for the specified box.
info = GetBoxInfo([bxnm])
This function returns information about box contents. For a BitMap box,
the width, height, depth and filename are returned. For an EPSF box, the
file size and filename are returned. For a box containing a clip or
structured graphic, the number of objects,and memory usage are returned.
For textboxes, the article's box number, total number of article boxes,
buffer size and number of bytes of text actually contained within the
box are returned.
status = GetBoxLock([bxnm])
Returns the lock status of the specified (or current) box.
call SetBoxLock(bxnm, setting)
Sets the indicated box to unlocked/locked (0/1).
margins = GetBoxMargins([bxnm])
Returns the values for the left, top, right and bottom margins of the
specified (or current) box.
call SetBoxMargins(bxnm, left, top, right, bottom)
Sets the margins of the specified box to the supplied values.
* bname = GetBoxName([boxID])
Returns the boxname (if any) for the specified box or for the active box
if boxID is omitted. If no boxname is assigned to the box, an empty
string is returned.
* call SetBoxName(bxnm, name)
Sets the boxname for the box specified by bxnm.
offby = GetBoxOffset([bxnm])
Returns graphic offset value for the specified (or current) box.
call SetBoxOffset(bxnm, Xoffset, Yoffset)
Sets the graphic offset for the indicated box to Xoffset and Yoffset.
where = GetBoxPosition([bxnm])
Returns the values for the left, top of the specified (or current) box.
call SetBoxPosition(bxnm, left, top)
Sets the position of the box on the page to the position indicated by left
and top.
scaledto = GetBoxScale([bxnm])
Returns the X and Y graphic scale values for the specified (or current)
call SetBoxScale(bxnm, Xscale, Y scale)
Sets the graphic scale factors for the indicated box to Xscale and Yscale.
howbig = GetBoxSize([bxnm])
Returns values for the width and height of the specified (or current) box.
call SetBoxSize (bxnm, width, height)
Sets the size of the specified box to the specified width and height.
No scaling factor is applied to any graphic contents.
standoff = GetBoxStandoff([bxnm])
Returns the text runaround standoff value of the specified (or current)
call SetBoxStandoff(bxnm, standoff)
Sets the text runaround standoff value for the indicated box.
tabstring = GetBoxTabs([bxnm])
Returns the tabs that have been set for bxnm. Tabstring consists of
space-delimited values.
call SetBoxTabs (bxnm, tabstring)
This function will set the tab in bxnm to match tabstring, which must be
space-delimited; eg., tab1 tab2 tab3...
options = GetBoxTextWrap([bxnm])
Returns text wrap options (see below) of the specified (or current) box.
call SetBoxTextWrap(bxnm, type, side)
Sets the text wrap options for bxnm. Type is one of 0/1/2, corresponding
to none, rectangular and irregular. Side is one of 0/1/2/3, corresponding
to widest, left, right and exclude.
status = GetBoxTransparent([bxnm])
Returns the transparency of the specified (or current) box.
call SetBoxTransparent(bxnm, setting)
Clears/sets (0/1) the transparency of the specified box.
udata = GetBoxUserData(bxnm)
Returns the User Data field for bxnm (or the current box). Udata is an
integer in the range -2,000,000,000 to +2,000,000,000 (a 32-bit integer).
call SetBoxUserData(bxnm, data)
This function sets a User Data field in a box for use by Genies. Dat
can only be an integer in the range -2,000,000 to +2,000,000 (a 32-bit
integer). Professional Page does nothing with this data except maintain
filtname = GetTextFilter
Returns the name of the active text filter.
call SetTextFilter(filtername)
Sets the active textfilter. The filtername must be supplied without the
path or the ".tf" extension; eg., "TransWrite".
worked = ImportAegis(bxnm, file)
Imports an Aegis Draw format drawing into an empty box (bxnm), returning
1 if successfully loaded, 0 if an error has occurred.
worked = ImportBM(bxnm, file)
Imports a bitmap file into an empty box (bxnm), returning 1 if
successful, 0 if an error has occurred. The imported bitmap is scaled to
fit the box.
worked = ReloadBM(bxnm, file)
Same as ImportBM, but doesn't change the graphic scale or offset.
Returns 1 if successful, 0 if there has been an error.
worked = ImportClip(bxnm, clipname, [file])
This function imports the Professional Draw clip clipname to be found
infile. Returns 1 for success, 0 if there has been an error.
worked = ImportEPSF(bxnm, file)
Imports an EPSF file into an empty box (bxnm), returning 1 for success,
0 if there has been an error.
worked = ImportText(bxnm, file)
Flows a textfile into an empty box (bxnm), returning 1 if the operation is
successful, 0 if there has been an error.
bool = LinkBox(bx1, bx2)
This function will link bx1 to bx2. In order for this to succeed, bx2
must be empty, bx1 must be the end of an article chain or empty. The text
overflow status is returned; i.e. 0 is returned if all text fits into the
boxes, 1 if some text overflows the boxes.
boxid = UnlinkBox([bxnm])
This function will break the article link of bxnm, causing bxnm to
become the first box of the remainder of the article.
boxid = SelectBox([bxnm])
Returns the boxID of the named box and makes that box the active box.
This differs from BoxNum in that this function activates the box.
Text Operations:
These are functions that are used to access and change the text
associated with a text box.
* char = CursorUp()
Moves the cursor up and returns the character after the cursor.
* char = CursorDown()
Moves the cursor down and returns the character after the cursor.
* char = CursorLeft()
Moves the cursor left and returns the character after the cursor.
* char = CursorRight()
Moves the cursor right and returns the character after the cursor.
* char = CursorChar()
Returns the character after the cursor.
* success = Cut()
Cuts the highlighted block, returning 1 if anything was cut.
* success = Copy()
Copies the highlighted block, returning 1 if anything was copied.
* success = Paste()
Pastes text at the current cursor position, returning 1 if anything was
* call EditWithAE()
Sends the currently selected block or article to Article Editor for
* boxid = SetEdit(bxnm)
Selects a box for text editing, positioning the cursor at the first
character of the box. Returns the ID of the box selected.
* call EndEdit()
Exits Text Edit mode, returning to Null Pointer mode.
* found = Find(text, [direction], [case])
Performs a Find operation from the current cursor position. Direction
is 0 for down, 1 for up. Case is 1 to ignore case, 0 to match case. Found
text will be selected as a block. Returns 1 if found, 0 otherwise.
* howmany = Replace(txt1, txt2,[direction], [case], [global], [query])
Replaces txt1 with txt2. Direction and case are as above for Find. Global
is 1 for all occurrences, 0 for next occurrence only. Query is 1 to
request confirmation, 0 for no query. Returns the number of replacements.
* found = FindNext()
Finds the next occurrence of the text set by Find. Returns 1 if found.
* replaced = ReplaceNext()
Replaces next occurrence of the 'find' text with the 'replace' text (as
set by Replace). Returns 1 if replaced.
arttxt = GetArticleText([bxnm], [typo])
Returns the text of the article containing the indicated (or current)
box. If typo is 1, the function will output the backslash-encoded
typography codes as well, with a tiling "\".
* blocktxt = GetBlockText([typo])
Similar to a Block Save, but the highlighted text is returned. If typo
is 1, the function will output the backslash-encoded typography codes a
well, with a tiling "\".
boxtxt = GetboxText([bxnm], [typo])
Returns the text contained in the indicated (or current) box. If typo
is 1, the function will output the backslash-encoded typography codes
as well, with a trailing "\".
* success = InsertFile(file)
Inserts the text from file at the current cursor position.
* success = InsertText(text)
Inserts text at the current cursor position.
* call SelectAllText()
Set a block containing all text in the article.
* call SelectBoxText()
Set block to all text currently in box.
* call UnBlock()
Deselects the current block.
overflow = TextIntoBox(bxnm, [text])
Flows text into the empty box indicated by bxnm. When text is omitted,
the user is presented with a string requester. Returns the text overflow
status (see TextOverflow, below).
* overflow = TextOverflow([bxnm])
Returns 0 or 1 to indicate the overflow status of the indicated (or
current) box. If all text fits into the boxes of the article containing
bxnm, a 0 is returned. A 1 is returned if text overflows.
Group Operations:
call AddToGroup([bxnm])
Adds a box to the group; like Shift-click.
call DropFromGroup([bxnm])
Rewoves a box from the group; like Ctrl-click.
rect = GetGroupRect()
Returns left, top, width, and height of the bounding box around the
current group.
boxid = GroupFirstBox()
Returns the boxID of the first box in the group.
boxid = GroupNextBox([bxnm])
Returns the boxID of the next box in the group. This allows a Genie to
scan all boxes in a group.
call MergeGroup([boxname])
Merges all Professional Page structured graphics in the group, returning
the boxID of the new box.
call NewGroup()
Forgets the current group to prepare for the creation of a new one.
PPage Parameter Settings:
* degree = GetAngleStep()
Returns the step angle for use with interactive rotation.
* call SetAngleStep(degree)
Sets the step angle for use with interactive rotation.
* shiftamt = GetBaseline()
Returns the current baseline shift value in points.
* call SetBaseline(val)
Sets the baseline shift value (in points) to the position indicated by
* outstatus = GetBoxOutlines()
Returns box outline display status.
* call SetBoxOutlines(status)
Makes box outlines invisible/visible (0/1).
* colordef = GetColorData(colname)
Returns the slash-coded color definition of the specified color name.
* success = DefineColor(colordefn)
Colordefn is a slash-coded color definition (refer to Appendix C in the
Professional Page User's Guide). The return is one of: 0 for an error, 1
for a successful new definition, or a number greater than 1 for indicating
that the new definition replaced an existing definition.
cm = GetColorMode()
Returns the current status of the Professional Page screen's color mode.
cm = SetColorMode(status)
Sets Color mode to 0 or 1, corresponding to Color, B&W. This function
returns the status that has been set or, if the operation fails, the
current status.
* colstatus = GetColllmns()
Returns the column display status.
* call SetColumns(status)
Turns column display on/off (0/1).
* datetype = GetDateFormat()
Returns the current date format. Datetype is either the European style
(0 = dd/mm/yy) or the American style (1 = mm/dd/yy).
* call SetDateFormat(type)
Sets the date format as defined above.
dm = GetDitherMode()
Returns the current color dithering mode.
dm = SetDitherMode(mode)
Mode is one of 0/1/2 corresponding to Smooth, Non-interlaced, Flicker
color = GetFillcolor()
Returns the currently selected fill color.
call SetFillColor (colname)
Sets the color for fills. Colname must be the name of a color defined
in the current color list.
num = GetFillPattern()
Returns the currently selected fill pattern.
call SetFillpattern(num)
Sets the fill pattern by number. Fill patterns we shown when you
highlight the Draw/Fill Pattern menu item. The patterns, corresponding
numbers we 1-8, top to bottom. A value of 0 for num signifies no fill.
* fontname = GetFont()
Returns the name of the currently selected font.
* call SetFont(fontname)
Sets the current font, returning 1 for success, 0 for error.
* gstatus = GetGrid()
Returns grid status.
* call SetGrid(status)
Clears or sets (0/1)the grid.
* gsize = GetGridSize()
Returns grid size (x,y).
* call SetGridSize(Xsize, Ysize)
Sets the size of the grid.
* snap = GetGridSnap()
Returns snap-to-grid status.
* call SetGridSnap(status)
Clews/sets (0/1) snap-to-grid.
* hypheni s = GetHyphenation()
Returns the current hyphenation mode.
* call SetHyphenation(status)
Turns hyphenation off/on (0/1)
* chars = GetHyphenControl()
Returns the number of characters permissible before and after the hyphen.
* call SetHyphenControl(head, tail)
Sets the number of characters permissible before and after the hyphen.
* num = GetHyphenLang()
Returns one of 0/1/2 corresponding to English/second language/third
language. See the Preferences/Hyphenation Control menu item for the
available languages in your version of Professional Page.
* call SetHyphenLang(num)
Num is one of 0/1/2 corresponding to English/second language/third
* success = LoadHyphenDict(file)
Load the hyphenation exception dictionary, returning 1 for success, 0
for error.
* call ClearHyphenDict()
Removes the hyphenation exception dictionary from memory.
il = GetInterlace()
Returns the current status of the Professional Page screen's Interlace
il = SetInterlace(status)
Sets interlace on/off (0/1). This function returns the status that has
been set or, if the operation fails, the current status.
ir = GetInterrupt()
Returns the current status of the Interruptible Refresh option.
ir = SetInterrupt(status)
Sets Interruptible Refresh off/on (0/1).
* justhow = GetJustification()
Returns the type of justification as 0/1/2/3 corresponding to left,
right, center or flush.
* call SetJustification(type)
Sets the justification mode to left, right, center Or flush corresponding
to a type of 0/1/2/3.
* kernis = GetKerning()
Returns the kerning on/off status.
* call SetKerning(status)
Clears/sets (0/1) kerning.
color = GetLineColor()
Returns the currently selected line color.
call SetLineColor(colname)
Sets the color for lines. Colname must be the name of a color defined.
in the current color list.
num = GetLinePattern()
Returns the currently selected line pattern.
call SetLinePattern(num)
Sets the line pattern by number. Line patterns are shown when yo
highlight the Draw/Line pattern menu item. The patterns, corresponding
numbers are 1 -9, top to bottom.
* string = GetLineSpacing()
Returns type (0/1/2 corresponding to leading, fixed and relative) and
value of current line Spacing.
* call SetLineSpacing(type, val)
Sets the manner and mount of line spacing. Type is one of 0/1/2
corresponding to leading, fixed and relative.
val = GetLineWeight()
Returns the currently selected line weight in points.
call SetLineWeight(val)
Sets the line stoke weight (in points).
* percent = GetMagMode()
Returns the current magnification percentage.
* call SetMagMode(percent)
If percent is not one of the offered magnification percentages, the next
lowest magnification percentage is used.
* numtype = GetPageNumFormat()
Returns the current numeric format for pagenumbers. Numtype will be
one of 0/1/2 corresponding to arabic/ROMAN/roman.
* call SetPageNumFormat(type)
Sets the manner of indicating page numbers for automatic page numbering.
Type is one of 0/1/2 corresponding to arabic/ROMAN/roman.
* ptag = GetParaTag()
Returns the name of the current paragraph tag.
* call SetParaTag(tagname)
Sets the paragraph tag to tagname. Tagname must be the name of a paragraph
tag defined in the current paragraph tag list.
* paradef = GetParaTagData(tagname)
Returns the slash-coded definition for the named paragraph tag.
* call DefineParaTag(paradefn)
Paradefn is a slash-coded paragraph tag definition (refer to Appendix
in the main manual). The return is one of: 0 for error, 1 for success, or
a number greater than 1 for indicating that the new definition replaced
an existing definition.
qm = GetQuickMove()
Returns the current status of the Quick Move option.
qm = SetQuickMove(status)
Clears/sets (0/1) Quick Move mode. This function returns the status that
has been set or, if the operation fails, the current status.
* rstatus = GetRuler()
Returns ruler status.
* call SetRuler(status)
Turns ruler display off/on (0/1)
* measure = GetRulerType()
Returns ruler type. Type is one of 1/2/3/4 corresponding to 1/8", 1/6",
* call SetRulerType(type)
Type is as described above.
* fsize = GetSize()
Returns the current point size.
* sizeset = SetSize(size)
Sets the current point size, returning the size actually set.
* fstyle = GetStyle()
Returns the current text style as a string (described below).
* call SetStyle(style)
Sets one or more of B/I/U/O/N corresponding to bold, italic, underline,
outline and normal (plain). If more than one style is set, no spaces are
included in the string; eg. "BIU" indicates bold italic underline.
* stag = GetStyleTag()
Returns the current style tag.
* call SetStyleTag(tagname)
Sets the style tag to tagname. Tagname must be the name of a style tag
defined in the current style tag list.
* styledef = GetStyleTagData(tagname)
Returns the slash-coded definition for the named style tag.
* call DefineStyleTag(styledefn)
Styledefn is a slash-coded style tag definition (refer to Appendix C in
the main manual). The return is one of: 0 for error, 1 for success, or an
integer greater than 1 for indicating that the new definition replaced an
existing definition.
* tcol = GetTextColor()
Returns the current text color.
* call SetTextColor(colname)
Sets the text color to colname. Colname must be the name of a color
defined in the current color list.
minmax = GetTextGreek()
Returns the minimum and maximum size for text greeking.
call SetTextGreek(min, max)
Sets the minimum and maximum size for text greeking.
* trackval = GetTracking()
Returns the current tracking value.
* call SetTracking(val)
Sets tracking to the amount specified by val.
* measure = GetUnits()
Returns type of units in use.
* call SetUnits(units)
Units is one of 1/2/3 corresponding to INCH, CM, PICA.
wf = GetWireframe()
Returns the current status of the Wire Frame option.
wf = SetWireframe(status)
Clears/sets (0/1) Wireframe Graphics mode. This function returns the status
that has been set or, if the operation fails, the current status.
wb = GetWorkbench()
Returns the current status of the Workbench open/close option.
wb = SetWorkbench(Status)
Attempts to close/open (0/1) Workbench. This function returns the status
that has been set or, if the operation fails, the current status.
Save and Load Operations:
* LoadColorData(file)
Loads the specified color definitions, returning the number of definitions
* SaveColorData(file)
Saves the specified color definitions, returning the number of definitions
success = LoadDocument(file, [autoloadBMs], [verify])
Loads the specified file into Professional Page. AutoloadBMs is used to
specify whether bitmaps are to be loaded automatically or not (1/0).
Verify if document verify has changed since last save.
success = SaveDocument([file])
Performs a Save operation using the current name. If file is supplied,
a Save As operation is performed, renaming the document to file.
success = LoadPage(pgnm, file, [autoloadBMs])
Loads the page specified by file before page pgnm.
success = SavePage(pgnm, file)
Saves the specified page using file as the filename.
* totaltags = LoadParaTags(file)
Loads the specified paragraph tag list, returning the number of tags
* totaltags = SaveParaTags(file)
Saves the current paragraph tags to a file, returning the number of tags
* totaltags = LoadStyleTags(file)
Loads the specified style tag list, returning the number of tags loaded.
* totaltags = SaveStyleTags(file)
Saves the current style tags to a file, returning the number of tags
Dot Matrix Printing:
These functions' parameters refer to items generally found in the Print to Dot
Matrix requester.
astring = GetAutotile()
Returns the off/on status of autotiling (0/1).
call SetAutotile(status)
Sets autotile mode off/on (0/1).
status = GetDMColorCorrect()
Returns 0 or 1 corresponding to Color Correction off and on.
call SetDMColorCorrect(status)
Sets color correction off/on (0/1).
mode = GetDMDither()
Returns the dithering mode which is one of 0/1/2 corresponding to Ordered,
Halftone and Floyd-Steinberg.
call SetDMDither(mode)
Sets the dithering mode for printing to one of 0/1/2 corresponding to
Ordered, Halftone and Floyd-Steinberg.
printres = GetDMDensity()
Returns the current setting of printing density. Valid settings are:
call SetDMDensity(dens)
Sets the printing density. Valid settings are: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7.
status = GetDMEject()
Returns the eject status, either off (0) or on (1).
call SetDMEject(status)
Sets eject off/on (0/1).
status = GetDMLandscape()
Returns the status of landscape printing, off/on (0/1).
call SetDMLandscape(status)
Sets landscape mode off/on (0/1).
astring = GetDMOffset()
Returns the page offset values.
call SetDMOffset(Xoffset, Yoffset)
Sets the page offset to the supplied values.
psize = GetDMPageSize()
Returns the output page size used for autotile printing.
call SetDMPageSize(x, y)
Sets the output page size used for autotile printing.
mode = GetDMPrintMode()
Returns the printing mode as one of 0/1/2 corresponding to B&W, Grey and
call SetDMPrintMode(mode)
Sets the printing mode to one of 0/1/2 corresponding to B&W, Grey and
mode = GetDMProof()
Returns the proof mode which is either 0 or 1 corresponding to Draft and
call SetDMProof(mode)
Sets the proof mode to either 0 Or 1 corresponding to Draft and Final.
astring = GetDMScale()
Returns the scaling factors for printing.
call SetDMScale (Xscale, Yscale)
Sets the scaling factors to the suppliedvalues.
call PrintPageDM(pgnm, [copies], [sync])
Prints the indicated page. One copy is produced unless a different copies
value is supplied. If sync is 1, the function returns only after printing
is complete. If sync is 0 for asynchronous printing, the function will
return immediately.
call PrintDocDM([copies], [sync])
Prints one (or more) copies of the entire document. If sync is 1, the
function returns only after printing is complete. If sync is 0 for
asynchronous printing, the function will return immediately.
postScript Printing:
The parameters for these functions refer to items found in the Print to
PostScript requester.
csinksdata = GetCSInks()
Returns data as with SetCSInks() for Process colours only.
call SetCSInks(k, y, m, c, [mech])
Indicates whether or not (1/0) to print the corresponding ink on color
separation output. Mechanical inks are either all on or all off.
csdata = GetCSParams()
Returns data as with SetCSParams() for Process colours only.
call setCSParams(KLPI, KAng, YLPI, YAng, MLPI, MAng,
CLPI, CAng, [MechAng], [MechLPI])
Sets colour separation densities and angles for black, yellow, magenta
and cyan; optionally for mechanical colors. MechAng and MechLPI will
apply to all mechanical colors.
auto = GetPSAutotile()
Returns the off/on (0/1) status of PostScript autotiling.
call SetPSAutotile(status)
Turns PostScript autotiling off/on (0/1).
status = GetPS8BitBM()
Returns 0 or 1 corresponding to the off/on status of 8-bit bitmaps.
call SetPS8BitBM(status)
Sets 8-bit bitmaps off/on (0/1).
epsf = GetPSEPSF()
Returns the off/on (0/1) status of EPSF mode.
call SetPSEPSF(status)
Sets EPSF format off/on (0/1).
fontdown = GetPSFontDownload()
Returns 0 or 1 corresponding to font downloading option off/on.
call SetPSFontDownload(status)
Disables/enables (0/1) font downloading.
manual = GetPSManFeed()
Returns the off/on (0/1) status of manual feed.
call SetPSManFeed(status)
Sets manual feed off/on (0/1).
mirror = GetPSMirror()
Returns 0 or 1 corresponding to the off/on status of Mirror printing.
call SetPSMirror(status)
Sets mirror printing off/on (0/1).
neg = GetPSNegative()
Returns 0 or 1 corresponding to the off/on status of Negative printing.
call SetPSNegative(status)
Sets negative printing off/on (0/1).
psover = GetPSOverride()
Returns 0 or 1 corresponding to the off/on status of Override Custom
call SetPSOverride(status)
Turns Override Custom Specs off/on (0/1).
device = GetPSOutput()
Returns current PostScript output path; "PAR:", "SER:" or a filename.
call SetPSOutput(spec)
Sets PostScript output to be directed to spec; this is usually "SER:",
"PAR:" or a specified filename.
modetype = GetPSPrintMode()
Returns the PostScript print mode which is one of 1/2/3/4 corresponding
to B&W, Color PostScript, 3 Color and 4 Color.
call SetPSPrintMode(mode)
Sets the PostScript print mode as described above.
proofmode = GetPSProof()
Returns one of 0/1/2 corresponding to the modes of Draft, Proof and Final.
call SetPSProof(mode)
Sets the PS proof mode to one of 0/l/2 corresponding to Draft, Proof,
and Final.
rolldata = GetPSRollPaper()
Returns the status of the roll paper option and, if on, the width of the
call SetPSRollPaper(status, [width])
Sets RollPaper option off/on (0/1) and, optionally, the width of the
csdata = GetUCRGCR()
Returns the UCR threshold and GCR values as percentages.
call SetUCRGCR(ucrthres, gcr)
Sets the UCR threshold value and the GCR value. Both arguments are
expressed as a percentage.
success = PrintDocPS([copies], [sync])
Prints one or copies copies of the entire document. Returns 1 for success,
0 for an error or premature abort (caused by the user clicking on the
STOP! button or by issuing an ARexx AbortPrint command). If sync is 1, the
function returns only after printing is complete. If sync is 0 for
asynchronous printing, the function will return immediately.
success = PrintPagePS(pgnm, [copies], [sync])
Prints one or copies copies of the current page. Returns 1 for success,
0 for an error or premature abort (as described above). If sync is 1, the
function returns only after printing is complete. If sync is 0 for
asynchronous printing, the function will return immediately.
Thumbnail printing:
These functions correspond to items in the Print to Thumbnail requester.
thumbsize = GetThumbNum()
Returns one of 2/3/4/5 corresponding to the size of Thumbnail printing;
i.e., 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5.
call SetThumbNum(num)
Sets the size of Thumbnail printing. Num is one of 2/3/4/5 corresponding
to 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5.
success = PrintgocThumb([copies], [sync])
Prints one or copies copies of the entire document. If sync is 1, the
function returns only after printing is complete. If sync is 0 for
asynchronous printing, the function will return immediately.
Professional Page Quick Reference Card
. Ax Hold the right Amiga key and press key "x"
. ax Hold the ALT key down and press key "x"
. cx Hold the CONTROL key down and press key "x"
. sx Hold the SHIFT key down and press key "x"
NOTE: Keyboard equivalents are CASE SENSITIVE!
Professional Page:
Project Menu
Project/New AN
Project/Open AO
Project/Save AS
Project/Save As AZ
Project/Information AI
Project/Import/Text AT
Project/Import/Bitmap Graphic AG
Project/Import/Aegis Draw drawings A=
Project/Import/Professional Draw Clip AD
Project/Import/Encapsulated PostScript AE
Project/Output/Dot Matrix AM
Project/Output/PostScript AP
Project/Output/Thumbnail AX
Project/About AU
Project/Quit AQ
Page Menu
Page/Create/From Template cT
Page/Create/From Default cN
Page/Load/New Current cC
Page/Load/Even Template cE
Page/Load/Odd Template cO
Page/Save/Current sC
Page/Save/Even Template sE
Page/Save/Odd Template sO
Page/Delete cD
Page/Alter/Current aC
Page/Alter/Even Template aE
Page/Alter/Odd Template aO
Page/Alter/Default aZ
Page/Make Template/Even sY
Page/Make Template/Odd sZ
Page/Visible cV
Box Menu
Box/Show Active aX
Box/Clone Active aK
Box/Delete Active sDEL
Box/Alter/Active aA
Box/Alter/Default aB
Group Menu
Group/Clone sK
Group/Delete cDEL
Group/Forget sG
Group/Align/Top sT
Group/Align/Bottom sQ
Group/Align/Left sJ
Group/Align/Right sR
Group/Center/Vertically sV
Group/Center/Horizontally sH
Group/Center/Both sX
Group/Merge sA
Tag Menu
Tag/Style Tag/Add New sU
Tag/Style Tag/Modify sM
Tag/Style Tag/Delete sD
Tag/Style Tag/Load sL
Tag/Style Tag/Save sS
Tag/Paragraph Tag/Add New aU
Tag/Paragraph Tag/Modify aM
Tag/Paragraph Tag/Delete aD
Tag/Paragraph Tag/Load aL
Tag/Paragraph Tag/Save aS
Type Menu
Type/Typeface/New AF
Type/Size/New A.(period)
Type/Style/Plain F10
Type/Style/Bold On F6
Type/Style/Bold Off sF6
Type/Style/Italics On F7
Type/Style/Italics Off sF7
Type/Style/Outline On F8
Type/Style/Outline Off sF8
Type/Style/Underline On F9
Type/Style/Underline Off sF9
Type/Color AC
Type/Style Tag AA
Type/Paragraph Tag AV
Type/Kerning AK
Type/Tracking AW
Type/Line Spacing AY
Type/Baseline AB
Type/Hyphenation AH
Type/Justification/Left AL
Type/Justification/Right AR
Type/Justification/Center A-
Type/Justification/Flush AJ
Edit Menu
Edit/Paste F1
Edit/Cut sF1
Edit/Copy cF1
Edit/Unmark Block sF5
Edit/Save Block F5
Edit/Select Box F4
Edit/Select All sF4
Edit/Find F2
Edit/Replace F3
Edit/Find Next sF2
Edit/Replace Next sF3
Edit/Article Editor A/
Draw Menu
Draw/Line Color sI
Draw/Fill Color sF
Draw/Line Weight/Custom sW
Preferences Menu
Preferences/Magnification/200% A1
Preferences/Magnification/100% A2
Preferences/Magnification/50% A3
Preferences/Magnification/33% A4
Preferences/Magnification/25% A5
Preferences/Magnification/Facing Pages A7
Preferences/Magnification/Thumbnail A8
Preferences/Layout Tools aT
Preferences/Page & Date Formats aP
Preferences/Hyphenation Control aH
Preferences/Text Greeking Control aG
Preferences/Compugraphic Font Control aF
Preferences/Quickmove aQ
Preferences/Wireframe Graphics aW
Preferences/Black & White aN
Preferences/Interlace Screen aI
Preferences/Interruptible Refresh aR
Preferences/Workbench Screen aV
Other non-menu Shortcuts:
Box Lock Toggle cL
Box Impermeable Toggle c[
Box Quick Display Toggle cX
Box Frame Toggle cF
Set Units to Inches cI
Set Units to Picas cP
Set Units to Centimeters cM
Grid Toggle cG
Snap to Grid Toggle cS
Ruler Toggle cR
Box Outline Toggle cB
Column Toggle cK
Page Up s>
Page Down s<
Box to Back sB
Box to Front s^
Next Linked Box sN
Previous linked Box sP
Thinspace aSPACE
EN space cSPACE
EM space sSPACE
Previous Page Number in Text c1
Current Page Number in Text c2
Next Page Number in Text c3
Current Date in Text c4
Document Creation Date in Text c5
Box Break - force text to next box cRETURN
move Screen View up 1/5 screen UP
Move Screen View up 4/5 screen sUP
Move Screen View to top of Page cUP
Move Screen View down 1/5 screen DOWN
Move Screen View down 4/5 screen sDOWN
Move Screen View to bottom of Page cDOWN
Move Screen View left 1/5 screen LEFT
Move Screen View left 4/5 screen sLEFT
Move Screen View to left edge of Page cLEFT
Move Screen View right 1/5 screen RIGHT
Move Screen View right 4/5 screen sRIGHT
Move Screen View to right edge of Page cRIGHT
Increase Tracking in Text Edit mode LEFT
Decrease Tracking in Text Edit mode RIGHT
Increase Baseline in Text Edit mode UP
Decrease Baseline in Text Edit mode DOWN
Other Shortcuts in Professional Page:
Menu extended Select
Users making several menu selections at once can use extended select
by holding the right mouse button down and hitting the select mouse
button (left) over each desired menu selection.
Double Clicking
names in list requesters can generally be selected by double clicking
on the desired name. This has the same effect as clicking on the name
and then selecting "OK".
Generally, when a requester asks for information to be typed in pressing
RETURN after the text will select the "OK" gadget on the requester.
SPACE screen refresh
When not in Text editing mode, hitting the SPACE bar will cause the
entire screen to be refreshed. This particulary useful in the
Preferences/Interruptible Refresh is on.
The Article Editor:
Project Menu
Project/Load AO
Project/Save AS
Project/Save As AZ
Project/Environment/Load Configuration A=
Project/Environment/Save Configuration A0
Project/Environment/Load Macros A8
Project/Environment/Save Macros A9
Project/WP/Import Document A#
Project/WP/Export Document A$
Project/Screen Format/Workbench A%
Project/Screen Format/Med-Res A^
Project/Screen Format/Interlace A&
Project/Quit AQ
Edit Menu
Edit/Cut sF1
Edit/Copy aF1
Edit/Paste F1
Edit/Cut Word AW
Edit/Cut Sentence AE
Edit/Cut Paragraph AR
Edit/Cut Line AD
Edit/Clear Highlight sF5
Edit/Highlight All sF4
Edit/Instert File AT
Edit/Save Highlight Region F5
Edit/Erase All Text A\
Commands Menu
Commands/Find/Replace F2 or F3
Commands/Search Again sF2 or sF3
Commands/Translate document A"
Commands/Spell-Check Word aF7
Commands/Spell-Check To End aF8
Commands/Real Time Spell Check aF9
Commands/Toggle Insert Mode a3
Commands/Toggle Paragraph Marking aM
Commands/Convert to Lower Case AL
Commands/Convert to Upper Case AU
Special Menu
Special/Set Options aF2
Special/Set Colors aF3
Spacial/Count Words aF4
Special/Analyze Document A?
Special/Refresh Window sF10
Special/Join Single Lines AJ
Special/Separate Lines A@
Special/Show PPage Codes A6
Special/Hide PPage Codes A7
Special/Send Text Home A/
Special/Line Spacing A+
Styles Menu
Styles/Bold Text F6
Styles/Italic Text F7
Styles/Underlined Text F9
Styles/Bold Off sF6
Styles/Italic Off sF7
Styles/Underlined Off sF9
Styles/Normal Text F10
Cursor Menu
Cursor/Top Of File cUP
Cursor/End Of File CDOWN
Cursor/Up Screen aUP
Cursor/Down Screen aDOWN
Cursor/Up Paragraph sUP
Cursor/Down Paragraph sDOWN
Cursor/Start of Line sRIGHT
Cursor/Previous Word aLEFT
Cursor/Next Word aRIGHT
Cursor/Center Cursor cC
Cursor/Restore Position scC
Other Article Editor Shortcuts
Begin Highlight Range aF5
End Highlight Range aF6
Note that all formatting commands consists of a backslash (\) followed
by a number of codes. No space should be left between the backslash and
the code. Some codes are followed by a paramter, either a number (integer
or float) or a name giving further information. If a parameter is needed
type the less than sign (<), the number, and the closing greater than
sign (>). Note that the letter case of the formatting code is significant.
Some formatting codes must be terminated by the RETURN key.
ff<name> font name
fs<integer> pointsize(2->720)
Line Spacing:
lf<float> linespacing fixed (points)
lr(integer) linespacing relative (% of largest pt size)
ll<float> linespacing leading (points)
ls<float> baseline shift (points)
jl left justification
jr right justification
jc center justification
jf flush justification
pi paragraph indent
po paragraph oudent
pn no paragraph indent
ps<integer> paragraph spacing (% of line spacing)
c<name> color
B bold on
b bold off
I italic on
i italic off
U underline on
u underline off
O outline on
o outline off
n plain text
Kerning & Tracking:
K kerning on
k kerning off
t<integer> tracking (% of EM space)
H hyphenation on
h hyphenation off
. end of text
P new paragraph
M M space
N N space
T Thin space
- soft hyphen
comment - these comments are ignored by Professional
Page and are there for your convenience only.
Page Number & Date:
#<option> macro code for page number and date text insertion
options are:
"Pp#" Page number of previous article box
"Pc#" Current page number
"Pn#" Page number of next article box
"Dc#" Creation date
"Dp#" Printing (Current) date
where # is the format number:
1 -> 3 for page number
1 -> 2 for date format
Box Break:
! Box break
dS<name> begin style tag <name>
ds end style tag
dP<name> begin paragraph tag <name>
dp end paragraph tag
Color, Style Tag, Paragraph Tag definitions:
Imbedded codes can also be used to include definitions for colors, style
tags, and paragraph tags, imbedded in the text. To do this, use the
following codes:
Define Color:
where the codes inside the {} brackets can be one or more of the
Cs<integer,integer,integer> screen color <red,green,blue>
values are 0 -> 15
Cp<float,float,float> printed colors
values are 0.0 -> 100.0 (%)
If r,g,b are not defined, they are calculated from y,m,c,k.
If y,m,c,k are not defined, they are calculated from r,g,b.
If neihter the above are defined, the color is black.
Fc set custom color flag
Fm set mechanical color flag
Fn set no underground removal flag
Ma<float> PostScript screen angle for mechanical color
Md<float> postScript screen densiry for mechanical color
Define Style Tag:
DS<name{slash coded definition : \ff<Times>\fs<24>...{>
where the codes inside the {} brackets can be one or more of the standard
formatting codes (Note: you must include the \ character).
If any of the typographical fields is not defined, that attribute will
not be affected in the style tag.
Define Paragraph Tag:
where the codes inside the {} brackets can be one or more of the
Ui units used in the paragraph definition is inches
Uc units used in the paragraph definition is centimeters
Up units used in the paragraph definition is picas
Ml<float> left margin (see note below)
Mr<float> right margin (see note below)
Mb use box margins (default)
Pi<float> paragraph indent and value
Po<float> paragraph outdent and value
Pn no paragraph indent
Ps<integer> paragraph spacing
SW<integer> maximum inter-word spacing
SC<integer> maximum inter-character spacing
Ts<float> define tab locations (up to 16 can be defined)
Tb use box tabs (default)
If any of the above is not specified, default values will be used.
Note: the value used in MI & Mr can be in the form:
<value> value overrides box margins
<+value> add value to box margins
<-value> subtract value from box margins